International Performer Eliotte Nicole Shares a Quote (Notes on Quotes #6)

Stephen Harrison
Notes on Quotes
Published in
11 min readJan 27, 2020


Eliotte Nicole has performed as a singer and dancer for Taylor Swift and Cher.

Welcome to Notes on Quotes, an interview series in which Stephen Harrison chats with interesting people about a quote that’s meaningful to them.

Eliotte Nicole is a singer, dancer, and choreographer who has performed for seven years as a vocalist in Taylor Swift’s band. She has also performed as part of the Grammy’s, the MTV Music Awards, The X-Factor, and with Cher on Ellen. Eliotte is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis and Reagan High School in San Antonio. Her high school Dance and Drill Director Valeria Sisson described Eliotte as a “sweet, humble, down-to-earth, just brilliant person.”

This print interview has been edited, condensed, and annotated. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and other platforms.

Stephen Harrison: So what quote are we chatting about today?

Eliotte Nicole: The quote I have is from Martha Graham, the prolific American choreographer who is credited for the growth of modern dance, which a lot of…



Stephen Harrison
Notes on Quotes

I am a writer and tech lawyer who wrote THE EDITORS (August 2024), a novel inspired by Wikipedia