Coaching Objectives

Stephen Janaway
1 min readSep 24, 2018


It can be hard to set objectives for coaches. Linking a coaches deliverables directly to the output of a team is neither fair nor sensible yet it’s frequently used as a path of least resistance.

I’ve been asked how I was measured as a test coach. Below is the set of objectives that the coaching team, which included an agile coach and myself as test coach were set, as well as an excerpt from the job description for my role. Hopefully they prove useful.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Coaching Team Objectives

Want To Know More?

Want to know more about test coaching?

My presentation So Mr Testing Coach, What Do You Do? may help.

Originally published at Stephen Janaway.



Stephen Janaway

Technology leader, product builder, podcaster, conference speaker, general software type person. More at All views expressed are mine.