10 Tips for Writing Clean and Efficient Code

Oly stephen
4 min readJan 23, 2023
Image from Google

Are you tired of spending hours trying to debug messy and hard-to-read code? Do you want to improve the performance and scalability of your projects? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 essential tips for writing clean and efficient code. From using proper indentation and whitespace to minimizing the use of global variables, these tips will help you write code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these tips will guide you in your journey to become a better developer. So, if you’re ready to take your coding skills to the next level, keep reading and discover the secrets of writing clean and efficient code!

  1. Use proper indentation and whitespace. Proper indentation makes it easier to read and understand the code, while whitespace helps to separate different sections and elements.

#Bad Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
for reading in temperature_readings:total_temperature+=reading
return total_temperature/len(temperature_readings)

#Good Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
return total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

2. Use meaningful variable and function names. Naming conventions are important for making the code more readable and understandable.

//Bad Code
def a(b):
for d in b:
return c/len(b)

//Good Code
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
return total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

3. Comment your code. Comments are a great way to explain what the code is doing and how it works, especially for complex or confusing sections of code.

#Bad Code Format:
def a(b):c=0;for d in b:c+=d;return c/len(b)

#Good Code Format:
#This function calculates the average temperature from a list of temperature readings
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
#initialize a variable to store the total temperature
total_temperature = 0
#iterate through the list of temperature readings
for reading in temperature_readings:
#add the current reading to the total temperature
total_temperature += reading
#return the average temperature by dividing the total temperature by the number of readings
return total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

4. Minimize the use of global variables. Global variables can cause conflicts and make the code harder to understand and maintain.Copy code

#Bad Code Format:
x = 0
def increment():
global x
x += 1
return x

#Good Code Format:
def increment(x):
x += 1
return x

5. Use consistent formatting. Having a consistent formatting style makes it easier to read and understand the code.

#Bad Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
return total_temperature/len(temperature_readings)

#Good Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
return total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

6. Avoid using magic numbers. Magic numbers are hard-coded values that have no meaning or context. Instead, use constants or variables to give them meaning.

The bad code format does not use consistent formatting style, which makes it hard to read and understand the code. The good code format uses consistent formatting style, which makes it easy to read and understand the code. This includes indentation, whitespace and line breaks, which all help to organize the code and make it more readable.

7. Keep functions short and focused. Long functions can be difficult to read and understand. It’s a good practice to keep your functions short and focused on a single task.

#Bad Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
average_temp = total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

# additional functionality
if average_temp > 25:
print("It's hot!")
elif average_temp < 10:
print("It's cold!")
print("It's just right.")
return average_temp

#Good Code Format:
def calculate_average_temperature(temperature_readings):
total_temperature = 0
for reading in temperature_readings:
total_temperature += reading
return total_temperature / len(temperature_readings)

def check_temperature(average_temp):
if average_temp > 25:
print("It's hot!")
elif average_temp < 10:
print("It's cold!")
print("It's just right.")

8. Avoid using too many nested loops or if statements. Nesting too many loops or if statements can make the code difficult to read and understand. Instead, try to use a more elegant solution such as a function or a library.

9. Use libraries and frameworks when applicable. There are many libraries and frameworks available that can help you write cleaner and more efficient code.

// Without a library
let data = JSON.parse(response);

// With a library
let data = axios.get(url).then(response => response.data);

10. Test your code. Testing your code is important to ensure that it works as expected and that there are no bugs. This will make it easier to identify and fix any issues that may arise in the future.

I hope that these 10 tips for writing clean and efficient code have been helpful to you. Remember, writing clean code is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and practice. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. Keep in mind that there is always room for improvement, so don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Don’t forget to subscribe to my article and follow me for more content like this in the future. Happy coding!



Oly stephen

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