5 Technology Trends That Will Make or Break Technology Jobs

Oly stephen
6 min readJan 15, 2022


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Technology is moving at the speed of light. We can’t even keep up with all of the latest trends and innovations. It’s hard to say what will be successful and what will fall flat. But that won’t stop us from trying. There are a lot of technologies (not all of them) that I think will matter in 2022 and beyond. In this article, I break down the five technology trends that will make or break technology jobs.

Technology changes at a breakneck pace. This year’s trends are quickly supplanted by next year’s innovations. But change is inevitable, and it’ll happen whether we’re prepared for it or not — at least for another 100 years or so. (When the sun expands into a red giant and vaporizes Earth, we’re going to need to go somewhere else.) Even with all this change, there are some technologies, trends and inventions that will stick around for the long haul and provide an important foundation for technology jobs. This doesn’t mean you need to memorize their intricacies or completely understand how they work (that’s what Google is for). Rather, it means you should know the key trends that are going to be around for a long time. For this post, I’ve come up with five such trends — which spans hardware, software, IT and technology.

1. The Rise of the Virtual Office.

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As technology has made it easier for workers to connect with their colleagues, more and more employees are adopting the virtual office. For example, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recently declared that its faculty and staff may work from anywhere. “You can actually be on vacation in Tahiti, with a laptop and an Internet connection, and be just as productive as you could be here,” says Jim Long, assistant vice chancellor for information services at UNC-Chapel Hill.

The trend toward working virtually is especially strong in fields like software development, where employees are often given project-based work rather than specific hours. Software development teams, for instance, may have members based in California, Massachusetts and Virginia working together on a specific project. They might never meet face-to-face or even talk on the phone together. But they can collaborate by using instant messaging or other online tools to share documents or to call a conference line when they need to discuss something in person.

2. Blockchain

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The technology that allows Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to exist — holds tremendous potential for the future of technology. It’s also going to have a profound impact on how we work. But what is it, exactly?

The term “blockchain” comes from the fact that this technology records transactions in “blocks.” It’s a sort of decentralized ledger that records every transaction made in a cryptocurrency, so it can verify that a person has the cryptocurrency they say they do.

The blockchain itself is stored on millions of different computers around the world, and each block contains data about the transaction: who made it and who got paid. Each block is also linked to previous blocks, so it’s nearly impossible to go back and alter a transaction after the fact.

Blockchain technology will have applications far beyond Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, though. Some experts predict that it could be used to secure online voting systems and prevent election fraud. Others believe that it could help secure personal health information, preventing breaches like the one at Equifax last year.

It’s already possible to store some data using blockchain technology, but we’re still waiting for the widespread use of blockchain solutions across industries. That’s why those who want to stay ahead of their peers should keep an eye on this space and consider

3. The Emergence of Augmented Reality.

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Augmented reality has already made its way into the mainstream. Just look at Pokémon Go, one of the most popular games in history. The game is basically a scavenger hunt: players walk around, toward their smartphone cameras, and capture Pokemon by pointing their cameras at physical locations.

Touted as a trend in technology for 2016, virtual reality is poised to be the next big thing — and it’s much more than just a gaming platform. VR can have far-reaching ramifications on business and society as a whole. Here are some of the biggest trends shaping virtual reality’s present and future.

With the rise of Facebook’s metaverse, we are in for a new environment where VR and AR are expected to come together. While the most immediate applications of this virtual reality technology will likely be for gaming, social media, and business communications, it does have the potential to revolutionize other industries as well.

4. The Development of Internet of Things Products.

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Today, almost every device possible is connected to the. internet. This includes everything from laptops and smartphones, to fridges and bathroom scales. From a technological standpoint, this means that we are able to gather data that we weren’t able to gather previously. We can monitor our health and fitness, or we can measure the way that our homes utilize energy. By gathering these statistics from the devices themselves, we can connect them to other devices and start automating processes that were not possible before.

While connected devices already exist, there are very few that are specifically designed with the Internet of Things in mind. For example, your Fitbit may track your steps and heart rate, but without a connection to the internet, it’s not able to send any of this information anywhere. As more companies continue to develop products with an eye towards being connected to the internet, they will be able to market their products as IoT enabled devices. This should lead to an increase in demand for products that are exactly like this.

5. Artificial intelligence.

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The AI revolution is already here: Google’s Deep Mind recently beat a human world champion at the ancient game Go, self-driving cars are being deployed on roads and planes, and computers are helping doctors make diagnoses. There are many more examples.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years, but it’s not just the stuff of science fiction. In fact, AI has been part of our lives for a long time, even if it hasn’t. always had the “AI” label attached to it.

Examine these technology trends closely. Make sure you understand how they will shape your career. And how these upcoming technologies will impact the future!

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Oly stephen

I am a Tech lover. Join me to explore the world of no limits