What Is The Most Valuable Asset In Your Business?

I’ll give you a hint…

Stephen Woessner
2 min readJun 26, 2014

…it’s not your people, it’s not your products, it’s not your equipment, and it’s not your building.

None of these.

The reality is that if you lost all of your staff — you walked in one day and everyone decided to walk out — although that would be really painful, you could replace them if you unfortunately had to.

Or, let’s say you lost all of your inventory — and your equipment was damaged because your warehouse burned down.

Clearly these are extreme and catastrophic scenarios. No business owner would want any of them to happen. And you work hard to make sure they never do.

But here’s the point. You most likely built your business from scratch — you built the business up — and there was a time when it was just you.

You then added employees, added more products, added inventory, and added equipment.

So if you had to do that all over again…you could. Although a completely undesirable situation — but if you had to do it — you could.

But if you lost all of your customers— you would be out of business.

And that is why building your customer list is critical.

Your customer list is your most valuable asset.

Here’s a free mini-class where I teach all the steps you can immediately apply to rapidly build your list — and then how to create well-prepared prospects within your list.

Practical and tactical training.


Drop me a line on Twitter @stephenwoessner if you have questions. Happy to help.

Onward with gusto!



Stephen Woessner

Teaches business owners who want answers - clarity - certainty. No fluff or jargon so they can drive #ROI | Guaranteed | Author | Speaker | CEO, Predictive ROI