Will Digital Marketing ever rule the world?

Stephin Thomas Paulson
7 min readOct 11, 2021


This article is part of the Digital Deepak Internship Training Program.

Will Digital Marketing ever rule the world?

This question is very widely asked and questioned to all CEOs ,marketing specialists and marketing students. A question which is about the future of the world, which means it requires prediction , assumptions etc. all based on present facts , data etc.

In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.” — Doug Warner

In recent times we all are seeing the evolution happening around, where small businesses like grocery stores to big businesses like supermarkets everybody is trying to get going digital. With everything growing it’s important that the key factors of marketing should be studied and identified and has to be worked upon to keep up to the changing trend so to answer this question let’s dive deep into the world of marketing and its new trend called digital marketing.

Fundamentals of Marketing

The basic and the most important fundamental about marketing is that it is sending the right message to the right people at the right time. Products have to be rightly communicated to the person of interest. Marketers have to research about a particular product, the target audience of that product etc.

Marketing is identifying of needs. People’ s needs have to be identified, the place where they spent their time which can also be used for advertising.

Potential customers need to be communicated, their viewpoints, likes, dislikes all has to be communicated and taken in consideration while making and marketing a product. Customers should feel they are being valued and respected as their opinions are taken into consideration.

Four P’s of marketing

  1. Product- A Product is what the target customer wants through which the customer can be satisfied. Marketers must be aware of why the product has been chosen.
    Does it satisfy the wants of customers? How and where can the products be used by the customers etc.
  2. Price- Price is one of the most important aspects in marketing. It is decided based on factors of the expense included in making of product, its profit and also the buying capacity of the customers after which a price is fixed.
  3. Place- Place refers to where the customers can access the product. Now as digital marketing is getting pace it has to be taken into consideration of making websites or apps mobile friendly .
  4. Promotion- Promotion is what sells the product. Audience needs to be made aware about the product. Which all means of online modes target audiences use has to be noted and promotion has to be done on those platforms. Best time to promote the product is when customers check their phones. Coming online is also a time to promote the product to get a wide reach.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is also referred to as online marketing by using internet and other forms of communication (digital)to promote brands and its services online.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, “Digital Marketing is the use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to targeted consumers and businesses.”

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing is where marketing activities are promoted in the form of newspapers, magazines etc. Whereas digital marketing is promoted through means of online platforms like websites etc.

The first and the main differentiation is that traditional marketing is local. Its reach is limited to a certain area, whereas digital marketing is known and used for its global reach. Traditional marketing has a static nature whereas digital marketing has a dynamic nature. Engagement rates and conversion rates are quite low and slow compared to digital marketing. Talking about effectiveness and expensiveness, traditional marketing is less effective and more expensive as well. ROI can be measured more easily in digital marketing than traditional and results also are quick and real time results in digital marketing.

Business in the Covid era has gone digital. People have started going online and starting new businesses. Nowadays buying groceries, medicines all have become online in just a click. That’s what today digital marketing has become. For many it has become a source of life , for some they cannot have a life without it. Digital Marketing has taken the marketing levels to a greater heights.

CATT Marketing Funnel

CATT Marketing Funnel is a technique/method one uses to get the desired result.

Wealth = n ^ CATT

N- stands for Niche

Which means the category to be chosen to be offered to the audience which is connected to the achievement or wealth we get.

C- stands for Content.

Content has to be made to attract the audiences. Audience should be pulled towards the blogs, posts etc. Audiences get attracted to the relevant and attractive content only.

A- stands for Attention.

Attention has to be driven to the content using SEO, paid ads , social media etc.

T- stands for Trust.

Trust has to be built with the audiences. It can be majorly done by sending personalized emails, messages to the target audiences which builds deep trust with them. In short, deep marketing can be done to build trust.

T- stands for Transaction

Transaction is the main step. The leads have to be converted into customers.

These are the steps of the CATT Marketing Funnel which is very useful.

Integrated Digital Marketing

To explain integrated digital marketing it is basically a combination of all the modules. Integrated Digital Marketing is the implementation of CATT Funnel.

What all is included in Integrated Digital Marketing?

Integrated Digital Marketing basically includes sales promotions, direct marketing, digital advertising etc. It helps in brand awareness, enhanced conversion rates etc.

Few of this is explained below-

Content Marketing: Content Marketing is putting out the content which attracts the customer i.e a content which is engaging, interesting to drive traffic to posts,websites. It mainly comes to picture when at times people search for something and get to the content that they feel is interesting. Choosing right and relevant keywords can help in attracting an audience.

Search Engine : Search engine is very important for generating leads. It is a search engine which generates search results. SEO, SEM are types of search engines.

Personal Brand

Personal brand is how one promotes oneself. It is a process by which the target audiences and others interested to know an individual. It creates impact. People look up to that particular individual and it gives more importance to that individual more than the brand. To be considered influential personal branding should be strong. Nowadays people are moving towards personal branding for more influence.

MassTrust Blueprint

Deepak Kanakaraju a.k.a Digital Deepak designed ‘MassTrust Blueprint‘.

There are 6 different stages -

  1. Learn: Everyone has to try learning first by collecting facts, data, learning relevant skills etc. As per Digital Deepak this process is a never ending process and it goes on and on. One keeps learning throughout life and through various circumstances.
  2. Work: After learning it has to be implemented. It can be put into practice by doing a job, freelancing. Practical work helps in remembering what one has learnt.
  3. Blog : Writing is the best way to remember what has been learnt and worked so far. It helps in exploring more and learning more.
  4. Consult : After blogging, consulting is what can be done next. Companies can be consulted with what ideas you have. This will result in more experience and exposure in that field.
  5. Mentor : Mentoring can be done next by guiding people to step into your field. It scales up the overall knowledge and skills.
  6. Startup : Confidence to start a startup can come after consulting and mentoring and you can launch your own product or services.


Now coming back to the topic, will digital marketing ever rule the world ?.

Well there is no doubt about it. As mentioned in this blog, digital marketing aspects clearly tell us this is the future. It has gotten to new heights and it is gonna get bigger and probably one day it will become the best innovation which changed how the world functioned.

Digital marketers have a great scope and need to follow all needed techniques , learn each and every single time, develop skills and use those relevant skills to become successful and this is why digital marketing is going to rule the world.

Let me know your opinion on it, leave a comment below.

My heartfelt thanks to all my readers, for giving their time & reading to this point.

