From Stock to Meme
2 min readOct 26, 2017
Origins and original context:
- Original name given to the photograph was “Disloyal Man Walking With His Girlfriend and Looking Amazed at Another Seductive Girl”
- Part of a series of eight images
- It was a staged photo (stock image)
- It was never intended to be a meme
Trends in the development of the meme:
- First became popular among Brazilian twitter users @chinisalada and @AlbertoLage
- Later, it started gaining popularity among college meme pages on Facebook
- The first use of the meme by an English speaking twitter user had a political message, however, as the meme continued to develop it became less political and more relatable
- Developed primarily through users of Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Reddit
- Users label the three people in the photo
- Common themes of this meme include heartbreak, jealousy and lust
- The meme continued to further develop after Twitter users began to realize there was more than one image of those three people
- They then began to create similar memes using similar topics, but with different pictures out of the set of eight images of those three people