Nike+ Training Club App User Onboarding Teardown

Stephanie Sutanto
2 min readApr 17, 2017


So I’ve been working out about 3x a time and alternate between cardio, weights and HIIT. Since I plan to do a user onboarding teardown regularly, why not do a sports app?

I’m ready to lift! Source: ABC

I was first introduced to Nike+ Training Club after seeing several fitness trainers recommend this app while I was scrolling through posts on Instagram. Intrigued, I downloaded the app and found I really enjoyed using it for circuit workouts.

Let’s get started on the onboarding teardown, shall we?

Key takeaways from Nike+ Training Club app:

Microcopy takes center stage

Not a lot of apps utilize microcopy in a manner that’s both pleasant and relevant. Here, Nike+ does a great job. Some examples include:

Choosing a Password

Password criteria is listed below the text box and gets bolded once user’s input meets each criterion. I find this a friendlier way instead of conventional password fields that immediately display a red warning message upon first input

helpful hints + shows ongoing progress

Option Selection

Besides just listing out options, the microcopy under each option provides more context and relevance to the user.

Choosing my active level

Clean and effective design

  • The process of signing up and choosing a workout was simple and clear
Left: Signup form Right: Filter selection
  • Helpful workout demonstrations by showing an actual demonstration and including an audio guide to help correct body posture and form
Visual workout demonstration

To be unbiased, I have tried other fitness apps as well but I keep finding myself going back to Nike+ app every time I want to do an at-home workout. There are of course improvements Nike+ can explore and introduce but for what it’s worth, this app definitely gets a thumbs up from me!

