Explore the Power of Imagination to Create the Life You Want

Stephanie Worrell
3 min readJan 19, 2023
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Unlocking our imagination is like owning a superpower! It can help us break out of boredom, inspire creativity and strengthen relationships. Not only that — it’s also great for our mental health, as we find joy in dreaming up all possibilities, no matter what the past or present holds. We don’t have to be stuck with just one reality when there’s so much potential in an imaginative mind — anything’s possible if you give your imagination free rein.

People often ask me how I continue to reinvent myself. For me, it’s all about constantly taking a hard look at my current self and then re-imagining precisely what outcome I want to manifest.

I’m not focused on reinvention but on visualization and imagining my best self or the best possible outcome. Then, I back into it and work hard to make it happen. I continue to let my imagination go wild; nine times out of ten, I exceed my original thoughts.

The challenge with imagination for most people is that they need to learn how to tap into its potential because our brains tend to default toward what’s familiar instead of reaching for something that has yet to be seen. It’s easy to get stuck in the past or the familiar.



Stephanie Worrell

Global blogger with 50M+ views — Featured in the WSJ, Today Show, and NYT. Inspiring the world through Personal Dev. & Entrepreneurship. stephanieworrell.com