Git Log Commands

3 min readAug 12, 2024


A Complete Guide with Basic and Advanced Git Log Concepts for Developers

Photo by Farhat Altaf on Unsplash

Understanding the history of your Git repository is crucial for effective version control, debugging, and project management. The `git log` command is a powerful tool that provides insights into the commit history, allowing you to track changes, review contributions, and analyze project evolution.

This blog will explore various aspects of `git log`, including basic usage, advanced features, and practical scenarios, with a focus on different filtering techniques to help you make the most of this command.

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🔸 What is Git Log ?

The `git log` command in Git displays the commit history of your repository. Each commit represents a snapshot of the repository at a specific point in time, capturing the changes made, who made them, and when they were made.

Mastering `git log` allows developers to navigate through project history, debug issues, and understand the changes of their codebase.

🔸Basic Usage of Git Log

  • Viewing the Commit History

To see a basic list of commits, use:

$ git log
Example Output :

commit 3e4d5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0u1v2
Author: Alice Johnson <>
Date: Fri Aug 9 16:32:15 2024 +0200

Refactor authentication module

commit 2a3b4c5d6e7f8g9h0i1j2k3l4m5n6o7p8q9r0s1
Author: Bob Lee <>
Date: Thu Aug 8 15:24:51 2024 +0200
Fix bug in user profile update

This command lists commits in reverse chronological order, showing commit hashes, authors, dates, and messages.

  • Customizing Output with Git Log

One-Line View

For a simplified overview of commits, use:

$ git log --oneline

Example Output :

5e6b8d9 Implement feature X
4f5d6c7 Fix bug in authentication module

This format provides a concise summary with shortened commit hashes and messages, ideal for a high-level overview.

Graphical View

To visualize the commit history, including branches and merges, use:

$ git log --graph --oneline --decorate

Example Output :

5e6b8d9 (HEAD -> main) Implement feature X
4f5d6c7 Fix bug in authentication module

This view displays the commit history as a graph, showing the branching and merging structure.

Pretty Formatting

You can customize the output format using `--pretty`:

- Short Format

$ git log --pretty=short

Example Output :

commit 5e6b8d9
Author: John Doe <>
Date: Fri Aug 9 16:32:15 2024 +0200
Implement feature X

- Full Format

$ git log --pretty=full

Example Output :

commit 5e6b8d9
Author: John Doe <>
Committer: Jane Smith <>
Date: Fri Aug 9 16:32:15 2024 +0200
Implement feature X

These formats offer varying levels of detail, allowing you to tailor the output to your needs.


The `git log` command is a important tool for navigating your Git repository’s history. By mastering its various options and features, you can efficiently track changes, review code, and manage your development workflow.

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