Why Do Traditional Hose Clamps Cause Problems

Albert Ramirez
2 min readNov 16, 2017


The basic design of hose clamps has changed very little over the years. Unfortunately, the basic design is very much lacking in even the most effective of clamps. With these outdated clamps, individuals can cause damage to their hoses and their engine. This is why TKO Clamps was discovered. This company has worked to change the way clamps are used so they are more effective and easier to use than ever before.

Understanding the Different Types of Hose Clamps

The following are the most common types of hose clamps and the problems they can cause for a vehicle owner:

Screw band hose clamps — This type of clamp must be tightened with a screwdriver to create the right level of torque on the hose. Because the bands are made of metal, they corrode over time and can break down. This break down can cause hoses to slip off, leaking their contents. Depending on the type of hose, this could lead to overheating or engine damage.

Spring clamps — This type of clamp is made of steel and features a spring that tightens once in place. Although these are easier to use than some types, they can be difficult to tighten and can easily be overtightened if a person is not careful. If a hose clamp is tightened too tightly, it can lead to hose damage.

Wire clamps — These clamps easily become damaged over time, due to corrosion. As they begin to break, sharp ends can easily puncture a hose, causing leaks and further damage.

Ear clamps — This type of clamp is a difficult one to deal with. Once it has been put on, it is difficult to remove and is often overtightened in the process. Overtightening of clamps leads to swollen and distorted hoses which can easily become damaged.

TKO Offers Change

TKO Clamps are entirely different from their predecessors and so much easier to use. With a simple snap, they are put in place with no need for tightening. These clamps are perfect for tight areas that can be difficult to maneuver with tools like screwdrivers.

When the clamp needs to be removed, a person simply needs to take a screwdriver and easily pop open the clamp. If you are interested in these clamps, check out their website today for customization options.

