The last song for Stereomood’s founders

Stereomood Team
2 min readFeb 26, 2015


It’s been a long time since we’ve been in touch.
In the meantime we made the greatest of efforts to keep Stereomood available to your ears.

Since 2013 the team has worked on Stereomood Delphi — like the Greek oracle — to personalize every mood playlist according to your own music taste.
We worked on a new version of Stereomood as well, featuring a music concierge powered by YouTube, with a new selection of moods, as well as genre, style and more music.

But after several months of endeavours we ran out of cash due to both a lack of revenue and investors pulling their funding.
As a result, our beloved mood music platform has not belonged to its founders since last December. We’ve been deeply reflecting about this but it was the only possible solution for us: the website and mobile apps are still alive but the founders are no longer involved. We will explain more soon.

Leaving this company after 6 years of excitement, success, frustration, determination (almost the whole list of Stereomood tags!) is particularly painful for us, but we are proud of having made our dream come true and shared it with all of you in these years.
We want to send out a massive thanks to everyone that helped us get this far, especially to the musicians and labels (without them nothing would have been possible), people that worked for us and above all to every single one of you that still cares!
It was a real pleasure to keep you company with our mood playlists:
we’ve been delighted that over 20 millions people so far have listened Stereomood to study, make love, drive, cry, fall in love and dream.

It’s been a long journey, a story that we will forever love to talk about,
a story of good music.

Much love
The Stereomood Team

PS: Reach us at if you want to say goodbye, or use #ciaostereomood to share your memories/stories about Stereomood!

