Stereotype Threat
7 min readJun 24, 2018

Bandwidth, "the rate of data flow in digital networks" is a term one can easily relate to. It consists of all the data packet's sent from multifarious devices often processed to obtain required end result (information). Accessing a website on a Mobile device or computer, hosting a teleconference call, making the basic use of the internet involves the use of bandwidth (Aka data) and is usually acquirable through sources like ISP's, wireless networks etc.

While the average growth of Internet Service Providing companies has been on an increase, reaching a 8.8% average from 2012 to 2017, demand for bandwidth has not slowed down.

In fact, Bandwidth, along with peculiar issues like the problem of centralization amongst internet service providing companies, data commoditization and exploitation, governmental restrictions, high cost of roaming, cyber attacks and underutilization of available digital resources include some of the major challenges plaguing use of the Internet in this millennial age.

The Internet of things refers to the web of connectedness amongst internet based smart devices and how they interrelate. Take for example smart watches, internet aided driverless cars etc. The idea of IoT continues to be ceaselessly explored even in far reaching continents. The predicted number of Middle Eastern and African mobile phone users by the end of 2018 is a whooping 700 Million. (Equipped with an average type internet coverage). However there are still certain problems pertaining to internet use.

First is the price internet users have to put up with as a result of the progressively acquired overhead capital and huge operational costs required by ISP companies in setting up physical network infrastructure. This often renders specific geographical areas unfit and unprofitable for large scale internet infrastructural development and puts them at a disadvantage.

Security is another major factor that every internet user is concerned about. While the virtual world continually evolves with innovators, developers and service providers seeking to solve internet based problems with the use of creative solutions, problems of data theft, exploitation, and cyberattacking still persist in multifarious forms. Individual’s may give permission to VPN providers in order to experience restriction free, secure encrypted data exchange but may find that their privacy is put at risk.

While the basic internet user has the vaguest idea of the vast loopholes in the IP, as well as its vulnerabilities (Man in the middle attack, Denial of service attacks, Distributed denial of service attacks, session hijacking and IP address spoofing) users do not care enough and often lack the sophistication required to implement basic security features. (Although it is a known fact that individuals store vital information on these smart devices).

Another such problem is the problem of geography, whereby access to internet is often restricted by geo-location. The concept of internet based geo-location is scarcely avant-garde, prices required to purchase airplane tickets on the virtual space may differ based on country. Challenges peculiar to geolocation barriers and IP based addresses led to the creation of VPN’s and rotating proxies developed in order to provide solutions and prevent restrictions.

In cases where an internet user travels to an unknown territory say a tourist, there are often network related challenges a user faces, one of which is the expensive roaming and inevitable stress that comes along with acquiring new sim cards. This is usually time wasting and is often not worth the bother.

The increase in the amount of these smart devices calls for a better utilization of these internet resources and a solution to the challenges preventing the growth of the internet and the facilitation of the IoT.

Introducing the Blockchain based Bandz.

The Bandz network short for "Bandwidth" promises innovative solutions by utilizing the unique features of its multifunctional token as well as capitalizing on the key features of the blockchain (Aeternity in this case) transparency and security.

The Bandz network, Key takeaways.

The BandZ Network is a decentralized extranet with the aim of transforming the ISP industry from a business into a decentralized global extranet. With the use of the Bandz app, all stakeholders of the bandwidth network can connect to the tunnel secured, peer to peer encrypted, bandwidth sharing, cheap and high speed data network that is the Bandz network.

To participate as a provider, one simply needs to run a BandZ node on their device.

To participate as a consumer, a user may connect to a bandz node or join a Bandz pool(equipped with end to end encryption).

Connecting to the Bandz node may be done via basic proxy protocol e.g socks5, HTTP. A user is also given the option to choose which provider their traffic exits from (i.e based on country, city, IP datacenter, residential address) with prices subject to marketplace demand and supply.

The Bandz tokens are used for the purchase of bandwidth extranet services on the Bandz network, and are by way of token economics(fixed in supply, and seeing that there is a persistent increase in demand for bandwidth, bound to increase in price/value due to laws of demand and supply).

A clear advantage of this structure is its effectiveness in mopping out leftover bandwidth. Marginal costs of Leftover bandwidths is reduced as leftover bandwidth can be sold. Also, the preexisting manipulation amongst centralized ISP's is subverted by way of the Bandz token.

The Bandz network, Solving Your Internet Problems.

The mesh network is an effective way to harness internet connectivity and accessibility amongst several smart devices. With the built in ability for self reconfiguration and the utilization of self healing algorithms, nodes are able to operate even when connections are unreliable. This peculiar feature allows for distribution of workload and contributes to fault tolerance and reduced maintenance costs. This is quite useful in these remote areas in the sense that with these harnessing features, there might be no need for these network physical infrastructures. The Bandz network is also well equipped to facilitate interoperability (a huge factor that to an extent decides the success of Mesh networks) amongst mesh network vendors through its tokenized incentive.

Data is made supremely secured on the Bandz network. With the use of virtual private networks and rotating proxies on the blockchain data is made (for one) decentralized, censorship and surveillance free. Individuals can be assured secure and encrypted communications with the VPN while subverting internet geo-restrictions. Rotating proxies provides users a list of IP address to randomly sift through, prevents easy recognizability by web servers and provides defense against data analytics.

The bandz network is also a metered extranet that allows peers monitor the bandwidth of specific files. In this way, the network is able to avoid the misalignment of demand and supply peculiar to the internet, alerting peers and utilizing its helper algorithm in the delivery of extra resources in cases of undersupplied files.

UseCases, All Stakeholder Inclusive.

Network Provider(ISP)
Lilian owns an Internet service providing company but has been having challenges with retaining customers. They tend to do what economics predicts every rational customer will, leave her ISP for any cheaper alternative at first opportunity.
This has caused a reduction in her average revenue per user(ARu's) as a result of the fickle subscribers. Lilian hears about the Bandz network.


Lilian integrates her existing product with the Bandz software development kit. She also begins by selling BandZ with her data plans and offers the token as an additional product. In that way, her company is able to provide services to foreign customers traveling to her companies home country as well as provide security services at no additional costs.
Her customers cannot help but renew their subscriptions due to the many benefits at low cost. Ergo, Lilian's company's ARu's increases.

Second use Case.


Kenneth is a spirited, liberal young man who wants to explore the internet free from restrictions and data exploitation. He is concerned about been cyber secure but Is confused on how to go about it. However he is not much knowledgeable in the technicalities of the internet but has bulk of his funds in virtual Crypto wallets. He is informed about the Bandz network.


Kenneth connects to the Bandz network. Utilizes the VPN and rotating proxies feature of the network enjoys no restrictions and is even able to share bandwidth with his cousins in a remote village in Africa!

Bandwidth! The Global Extranet, Bandz Is The New Blockchain Based Internet!

The possibilities are endless on the Bandz network. The Bandz goal is to create a global extranet which treats each individual user as their own intranet, facilitate bandwidth sharing and enable Internet use regardless of built Internet infrastructure and geolocation. This is made achieveable with each of its user nodes as they are each able to provide the unique services peculiar to this blockchain based, location agnostic solution. I.e (high speed, transparent secure services, mesh network, rotating proxy, bandwidth sharing).
The importance of this innovation cannot be overemphasized, it creates wonderful opportunities worldwide and ensures that developing countries are not left behind.

The Team.

For more Information check out the Bandz network on Medium!BandZ Network