Running Down A Dream, By: Tim Grahl

Sterling Terrell
2 min readNov 9, 2018


Running Down A Dream: Your Road Map To Winning Creative Battles
By: Tim Grahl
Black Irish Entertainment LLC (July 11, 2018)
198 pages

In Running Down A Dream, Grahl tells the story of how he pursued the goal that most creatives want — simply having control over their own time. As we quickly learn though, chasing any big creative dream is never a smooth ride. And Grahl just lays it all out there. He goes through financial stress, marital stress, and has to overcome the resistance of the work itself. Finally, he nearly has a breakdown. But on the other side, he finds himself and learns the truth about the process of cultivating a calling, instead of envying a destination.

Two of my favorite quotes:

“Focusing on helping just one person helped me break through my fear of putting work out into the world. I realized if I was waiting until I created something that would help everyone, I would never be able to do it. Instead, I just wanted to help one person.”

“I’VE COME TO BELIEVE TWO SIMPLE PRINCIPLES ABOUT ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN CREATIVE PURSUITS. 1. Every single problem is fixable. There is nothing unique about your brokenness. No matter how or why you are broken, there is a way to overcome it. 2. Success is inevitable if you keep moving. The only thing that matters is that you keep going. The only way to truly fail at a marathon is to stop taking the next step. Sometimes you’re running, sometimes you’re walking, and sometimes you’re crawling. It doesn’t matter. If you’re moving forward, you will succeed.”

Buy this book.

Originally published at Sterling Terrell.

