How To 10X Product Growth-SC Moatti, Founder of Products That Count

Stephen Cognetta
4 min readApr 29, 2019

SC Moatti is the managing partner at Mighty Capital, a venture capital firm, and founder of Products That Count, one of the world’s largest product manager networks. In this Path to PM post, SC and I discuss strategies for common PM interview questions, including how you would 10x growth at a company.

How did you first break into product management?
After earning a degree in electrical engineering and then an MBA from Stanford, I wanted to become an entrepreneur and was encouraged to first explore product management. I joined Siebel Systems as a product manager and built a career between starting companies and building products.

How did you get into teaching at Stanford?
After selling my last company, I worked for Facebook for a couple of years. During that time, I was invited to do some other things, one of which was to help mobilize Stanford’s curriculum. After leaving Facebook, I began teaching at Stanford — classes on customer acquisition, what makes a great product, and classes for executives who want to become early-stage investors or startup board members.

Tell us the story behind Products That Count.
During my time at Facebook, I was invited to write a book on what makes a great product. In the process of writing that…

