Why I Bring a Clown Nose with me Everywhere

Stephen Cognetta
3 min readNov 6, 2017

You and your boyfriend are in another one of your stupid fights. He forgot to bring a dish to the potluck last night. You tell him he’s too forgetful to be a good boyfriend, and that he always lets you down. He defensively accuses you of never contributing to chores like washing the dishes. You fire back, pointing out that he never mows the lawn.

Tensions high, voices loud, fists clenched.

Then…. a moment.

He spins around, back facing you, and pulls something out of his pocket. He touches his face. He returns to face you, and looks like this:


Then, you both burst into laughter. You cry, hug, and apologize.

All because of a silly red nose.

The Power of Goofiness

As a recent finalist of Project Heha’s Super Happiness Challenge (a pitch competition for ideas that promote happiness), I met Berk Ilhan, a finalist for his idea, Smile Mirror.

By day, Berk is a product designer and entrepreneur. But, in his spare time, he’s also a clown.

Left: Berk Ilhan, Right: Berk and Patch Adams

