PinnedLeoinSource TrueWebGPU performance—is it what we expect?Discover the truth about WebGPU performance in this eye-opening article. Is it living up to the expectations? We delve into the data and…Nov 22, 2023Nov 22, 2023
PinnedLeoinSource TrueJavaScript vs WebAssembly performance for Canvas particle systemIn 2017 WebAssembly was declared for all magor browsers and since that time it generate a lot of noize, owing to be able to run code on a…Jan 12, 20231Jan 12, 20231
LeoinSource TrueWhy is Entity Component System (ECS) so awesome for game development?During game development, we sometimes want to consider new design patterns. In this case, we can try out the ECS, which has been used more…Dec 9, 2022Dec 9, 2022
LeoinSource TrueTime travel rendering for React function componentA rewind of render state in React component can help you to catch and eliminate defects caused by the unpredicted input data.May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
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