DeepCloud AI: ‘Understanding the Bigger Picture’

Ste Ste
7 min readJun 11, 2019


It has been an essential part of man’s survivorial behaviors over the years to advance intellectually. Finding problems and fixing them, just to make a better living.

This has placed us top above every other species because we believe in finding better ways of doing things. Having this belief and taking actions towards it has moved mankind from the point of creating simple tools using stones and sticks to developing mind-blowing technologies like automobiles, skyscrapers, internet, blockchain and artificial intelligence.

An Example of these ground breaking discoveries was ‘Zeus 1(Z1)’, the first programmable computer. Z1 was designed by German- Konrad Zuse in his parents living room.

This was a remarkable breakthrough but then mankind didn’t stop at that. As time went by, computers began to get smaller in size but grew bigger in capacity. This continued over the generations until we began to build micro chips nano chips and eventually went chipples with cloud computing.

Cloud computing

AS explained by wiki, cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources which includes data storage and computing power without Direct active Management by user.

It was first mentioned by Compaq as early as 1996 but received wide recognition in 2006 when Amazon released its elastic computer cloud.

Cloud computing relies on the sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale.

As cloud computing relies solely on the internet and also being a connection of different nodes and computers, it has made computing more scalable easier cheaper and portable.

But Like every other technological breakthrough, the regular cloud computing has some limitations(or let’s say room for improvement). some of these limitations includes:

Limited customisation options: the cloud providers are in full control of the system and they decide on the management policies which limits the users to only the options they are provided with.

Even with deployment, the users are also limited to the control and management of their applications data and services.

Security and privacy is also a major concern as users have to entrust their data to providers, sometimes this data trust is abused.

Downtime: A downtime from providers results a consequent downtime for users.

Considering the problems mentioned above, we will see that these limitations are as a result of the centralized structure of cloud computing and not on cloud computing itself. Therefore a decentralized cloud computing provider would be the solution.

DeepCloud AI: A decentralized cloud computing solution

Deep cloud AI can conveniently be referred to as the Next Generation cloud computing. It is an AI based decentralized cloud computing platform which runs decentralized applications IoTs and the web 3.0 dApps.

Deep Cloud AI’s mission is to democratize Cloud computing and level the playing field for Cloud resource providers and application developers.

To achieve this, the platform platform will leverage AI technology to create a matching engine, unlike regular P2P models, this AI engine will easily and smoothly pair these resources for application developers.

The DeepCloud AI Ecosystem

To understand better how the deepcloud AI platform works one really need to have a handful knowledge of it’s ecosystem.

The ecosystem comprises of

  1. The core: the core of any system is the central part of it. For an atom, the core is it’s nucleus and the nucleus possesses the major characteristics of the atom. Thinking of DeepCloud AI as an atom; its core comprises of two parts, the blockchain and it’s artificial intelligence engine to bring about a smooth democratized cloud computing. The blockchain provides a decentralized structure which enables anyone to contribute to the network at any scale and also verify transactions on it. While the AI engine bears the burden of fair matching, from matching duties down to matching incentives, the AI engine distributes them using a constantly learning and fair algorithm
  2. Network resource providers: these are the working force of the platform. They provided the resources to the network to get rewarded in Deep tokens. In order to maintain security in the network, the Resource providers are required to stake some amount of tokens. The AI engine now allocates rewards based on the quality of resources provided and the amount of Deep tokens staked.
  3. Network users: these are the consumers in the network. They spend Deep tokens in order to use the resources provided on the deep cloud AI platform. They enjoyed database usage, computing power usage, software development. The platform is designed in a way that these resources are used and implemented very easily without the user having to experiencing the complex process of using the blockchain.
  4. Application market providers: The market providers sell reusable components to earn deep tokens. In order to participate in this, the providers need to stake an amount of Deep tokens. An increase in the number of network users causes a consequence increase in the lock up scale and the amount of deep rewards earned.
  5. AI Controller: as the name implies, the AI controller is a learnable engine which is responsible for assigning each network user to a node based on the complexity of his request. The AI controller assigns such request to either side-chains or master node. AI controller is also responsible for assigning the network users to the best available resources provided.
  6. Deep tokens: one of the competitive advantages of DeepCloud AI is the Utility of the Deep tokens. Even as the price is determined by the general market, it serves as the fuel that runs the platform. With the tokens, one can gain access to the network, unlock premium features, staking and as payment for using resources in the platform. The tokens can be earned either through the ICO (register for whitelist) or bought on exchanges (when available for trading) or by getting incentives for providing resources. The more users on the platform, the more the demand for the Deep tokens increase and also the value of the tokens.
  7. Master node & side-chains: the master node serve as the heart of the platform. It houses the AI engine and provide the algorithm for Matching and incentivisation. Masternodes bears the governing power of the network. They decide the terms and through it, the network can reach concensus. The side chain are tied into the main chain. In DeepCloud AI, artificial intelligence is used to configure and adjust the side-chain rules.

But Why DeepCloud AI

Looking deep into the solution we have discussed above, it is clear that one can’t exhaust the possibilities presented by a decentralized cloud computing platform. For starters:

  • Business and individuals in the past had no means to earn from unused computing resources and these resources goes to waste. But with DeepCloud AI, such businesses/individuals can become resource providers according to their capabilities in the DeepCloud network to get incentives in Deep tokens.
  • Smart cities & IoT developers. Looking at how fast the world is evolving, technology, artificial intelligence and IoT is geared to become part of our everyday lives. With the help of IoT, we are beginning to experience smart houses, smart stores, smart Industries, smart stations, smart transportation systems, putting all these together in one city brings about smart cities. As IOT devices generates and carry in them a lot of sensitive DATA, it is very risky to host them on centralised Servers. Even regular blockchains could provide the security but then Speed, scalability and low-cost for microtransactions and sacrifice to get this. Deepcloud DAG ( just like that of IOTAs) is designed to provide IoT device with fast, secure, scalable and zero fees transactions helping IoT devices communicate and transact among themselves in a more secure manner. The no cost for transaction is a huge feature as microtransactions will become possible and device users will not have to pay huge fees over micro transactions.
  • In Short: the competitive advantage DeepCloud AI has over other cloud computing providers is that; DeepCloud AI provides AI driven optimization which allocates resources for computational request using some information from network users requests, the location of usage and other parameters to bring about optimisation. Also DeepCloud AI provide a market place for resources in a decentralized manner. The blockchain features brings about decentralized control and increases trust. Users will experience transition with high throughput and very low fees. Enterprises need security and DeepCloud provides this by providing a secure layer built around intels SGX technology and will provide strict monitoring of activities on the platform to prevent fraud.


Deep cloud AI is one-of-a-kind, founded by a wonderful team (Max Rye CEO) and strong partnerships, they are set to provide for today, the next generation of cloud computing (a good time to be alive right?).

According to the roadmap; in Q1 2019 the community expects Salton Release(Enterprise MVP and DeepCloud Testnet MVP).

Already (at this time of writing this article) there are already two products the company showcases.

1) DeepCloud AI: this is a concept of an AI driven decentralized cloud computing platform where decentralized applications can be deployed and IOT/Web3.0 dApps can be launched on. It provides a decentralized platform to run smart cities and here IoT devices consumers can monetize their own data.

2) Deep Transfer: This provides an encrypted link for private sharing of files. This link is designed to automatically expired to prevent a files from remaining online forever. It provides a free(send Max 3GB data per time) and premium(send upto 30GB data per time) services.

The platform has very broad use cases and adaptation, whether you are an individual/company who have extra computing resources (resource providers) or individual/companies who are in need of these resources (resource users) easy exchange can be made in a decentralized fashion using AI to bring about security, speed, incentivisation and maximum optimisation.

When it comes to building smart cities, the government on the other hand can focus on building the core infrastructure and rely on DeepCloud AI’s resources to run and deploy these IoT applications.

To reach all forms of demands; DeepCloud provides a hybrid chain, with private and public components, and a flexible consensus that can be adopted by both enterprises and government.

Having provided a model far better than that of its competitors(iExec, golem, SONM), two working products, a team very ambitious with a history of delivery, a team not interested is hype but focused on building and the overall long-term progress of the project, I believe that DeepCloud AI will pose a disruptive approach to cloudy computing and serve as a major channel for blockchain mass Adoption.

