Ethereum Classic Magneto Upgrade Announcement

Stevan Lohja
2 min readJun 10, 2021


Ethereum Classic development teams are undergoing work in preparation for the Magneto network upgrade. Magneto will be inclusive of the Ethereum Berlin upgrade features. ETC dev teams met on ETC Call 17 to discuss the Magento upgrade and concluded to move the Magneto proposal described in ECIP-1103 to last-call status… ECIP-1103 has graduated last-call to accepted status and proceeding with the following schedule:

Magneto Hard Fork Schedule

This schedule is dependent on successful TestNet activation and may be subject to change. Dates of activation are estimates.

Mordor TestNet, 3_985_893, 2021–06–02Kotti TestNet, 4_368_634, 2021–06–09Sagano TestNet, TBD, TBDETC MainNet, 13_189_133, 2021–07–21


Besu, v21.1.7,
Core-geth, v1.12.0, Mantis (beta)
Mantis (beta), TBD,

As a miner, exchange, or user, what do I need to do?

To ensure a successful fork, we ask ETC consumers to upgrade their node software to a Magneto compatible version if they have not done so already. If you’re not operating nodes or services, but use ETC through other services, then check with that service to ensure they’re supporting the Magneto hard fork.

What is Magneto?

Ethereum Classic is undergoing a network upgrade code-named Magneto, and specified in ECIP-1103. Magneto is inclusive of the Ethereum Berlin upgrade which contains a series of EIPs optimizing gas and transactions which have implied security enhancements important for the network.

Hard Fork Dashboards

What is a hard fork in Ethereum Classic?

A hard fork is a change to the underlying Ethereum Classic protocol, creating new rules to improve the system. The protocol changes are activated at a specific block number. All Ethereum Classic clients need to upgrade, otherwise, they will be stuck on an incompatible chain following the old rules.

DISCLAIMER This is an emergent and evolving highly technical space. If you choose to implement the recommendations in this post and continue to participate, you should make sure you understand how it impacts you. You should understand that there are risks involved including but not limited to risks like unexpected bugs. By choosing to implement these recommendations, you alone assume the risks of the consequences. This post and recommendations are not a sale of any kind and do not create any warranties of any kind including but not limited to any relating to the Ethereum Classic network or the Ethereum Classic clients referred to herein.

