Moving From MyEtherWallet to Emerald Wallet

Stevan Lohja
2 min readSep 28, 2018


MyEtherWallet (MEW) and Emerald Wallet are both client side applications to access ETC. A MEW user can easily migrate to Emerald Wallet by simply importing their ETC account’s keystore file or private key in the Emerald Wallet. Video demonstration here.

Why Move to Emerald Wallet

  • Emerald Wallet supports multiple accounts at one time.
  • Emerald Wallet has an address book feature.
  • Emerald Wallet integrates with the Emerald SDK for DApp developers.
  • and more.

If you have your ETC account private key or keystore file, then feel free to skip this section.

On MEW, ensure you select the Ethereum Classic network (ETC).

When creating an ETC account through MEW, MEW will require a password for your keystore file and private key. Download the keystore file and write down your private key in a safe place.

download keystore prompt
save private key prompt

Install Emerald Wallet

Download and install the Emerald Wallet for your operating system from Github:

download & install

Upon first launch of the Emerald Wallet welcome screen, add your ETC account to Emerald Wallet by selecting add account FROM KEYSTORE or FROM PRIVATE KEY options. Using the keystore or private key for your ETC account generated by MEW, follow through the add account steps and that’s it! You’ve migrated to Emerald Wallet!

emerald wallet welcome screen

Get More Out of Emerald Wallet

To add multiple accounts, tokens, and other wallet features, please read our Emerald Wallet documentation at

