Remote Config with Google Sheets is Crazy! 🤯 (Android)

5 min readJul 2, 2024

Remote Configuration. A term used to describe the ability to dynamically change the behavior and appearance of the application, without requiring users to download a new version of your app. 👉 I’m gonna teach you how to implement that, completely free, using Google Sheets! 🥝

Introduction đź‘‹

The biggest advantage of this approach is that, it’s completely FREE, so you don’t have to pay any extra money. And it’s really simple. You create a google sheet document. You add two columns, one for the “key”, the second one for the “value”. And you copy the sharing link! That’s it! You don’t even need any kind of authentication mechanism or anything else. Just the link.

However, note that this Google Sheets document, that acts as a remote config, needs to be public. So everyone can see and view it, but only you can modify it. Which is why it’s NOT made for storing your API keys.

Use-cases âť“

Now you might be wondering about the specific use-cases? When should you use it? I’m gonna give you a few examples, but keep in mind that, possibilities are endless.




Hi, my name is Stefan Jovanović. I’m a Kotlin Multiplatform developer and Content Creator.