How Not to Build a PlatformSome got it. Some don’t. Writers are often quiet people and drawing attention to yourself, for introverts, can be vexing. If you don’t have…Jun 3, 2024Jun 3, 2024
Library MarketIt’s a dilemma. Finding a publisher. There are plenty of websites that list publishers that accept submissions without an agent, but going…May 20, 2024May 20, 2024
New WordsWilliam Shakespeare had the advantage of writing early. He’s often credited with having introduced about 1,700 words into English…May 15, 2024May 15, 2024
How Not To Get PublishedOne thing I’ve noticed as a professional editor with a major university press is that nobody pays attention to a professional editor with…Aug 3, 2019Aug 3, 2019
Truly HeadlessAmerica is a headless nation. October is here and Sleepy Hollow is not. I confess to missing Tim Mison as we head into the uncertain and…Oct 17, 2018Oct 17, 2018
SilenceSilence is profound when you’ve lost a church-related job. Nobody knows what to say. The suspicion lingers that you’ve done something very…Jul 6, 2018Jul 6, 2018
The Big Chill | Sects and Violence in the Ancient World on WordPress.comIt’s cold. It may not be Alaska, or even Wisconsin, but I can’t feel my fingers and the temperature hasn’t risen above freezing all day…Feb 5, 2017Feb 5, 2017
System Reboot | Sects and Violence in the Ancient World on WordPress.comI think Steve Bannon has already taken over my computer. How else can I explain everything stopping in the middle of a word, fingers…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
Right to Remain Silent | Sects and Violence in the Ancient World on WordPress.comMy daughter has a set of nesting Russian dolls. “Matryoshka dolls,” as they are known, fit one inside the other so when you open one you…Dec 16, 2016Dec 16, 2016
Somewhere out There | Sects and Violence in the Ancient World on WordPress.comIf last month’s election taught us anything it’s that nobody really knows anything. For many years now I’ve been saying that the sign of an…Dec 8, 2016Dec 8, 2016