Steve Andelkovic
5 min readJan 23, 2021

What Should You Eat? Wrong Question!

When considering diet in the health/weight management idea sphere perhaps the most common question is what should we eat to manage health conditions and/or manage weight right? Just like when an investor/speculator questions what they should put their money into to hopefully make money. What about what you should sell to make money? Same goes with health and weight management, what should you NOT eat? We all hear the low fat, low cholesterol, low carbs, high protein, lots of fruit and vegetables, and whole grains – just being some of the go to foods that the mainstream healthcare complex advocates. I contend that we should include a no go foods list, and that’s not just saying no junk food.

It is a real pity that many go to good foods really should be on the no go food list I’m supporting. Whole grains in the form of gluten must be out – no go. Fruits must be greatly reduced to rate consumption. More saturated fats should be in our diet. Eliminating all oils, all sugars, and nitrates and nitrites in processed meat must be gone. And of course fried food is a no no which one could lump in the all oils class. Instead of buying stocks in company shares, how about cryptocurrency or commodities, that’s the sort of change in thinking I’m referring to with our diet. A change which will reduce our propensity for illness and weight management issues. Let’s go through some of the rationales for eliminating the list of foods that I’ve just postulated here.

The biggy is gluten. There will never be a study to find how many of us are gluten intolerant because it’s not an elephant in the room in the mainstream healthcare complex. Few people are identified as gluten intolerant or coeliac. In fact most of us are. Up to 98% of us may have nutrient absorption issues which are a gluten issue which is damaging the villi in the small intestines which does the. nutrient absorbing. Because we trust the mainstream healthcare complex we believe that blaming our genes and aging is a normal part of our illness makeup. Wrong! All chronic illness and disease is caused by a nutrient deficiency of one or many essential nutrients we require each day for health and longevity. Gluten is hampering us absorbing the nutrients we require to not age as quick as we are. So we must avoid wheat, barley, rye, and oats which makes up the most adverse gluten complex. Don’t trust when someone says oats are gluten free, the gluten in oats is called gliadin, it’s still gluten. A rose by any other name is still a rose.

One’s ears pricking or eyes widening when I mention reducing fruits is one idea that needs expanding of course. The sugar in fruit is the same as the sugar in coke, fructose. Too much fruit is too much sugar, which means inflammation and leads to elevated cholesterol levels in combination with other no no foods. I advocate getting the vitamins and minerals we seek from vegetables. But these days the mineral content in our vegetables is not dependable, different farming regions have different levels of soil nutrients and we have lost the means we used to get minerals in our vegetables, from seasonal flooding. So I would advocate supplementing these days for a dependable source of nutrients with all the 70 plus minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids that us humans and all vertebrates require each day. Readers can reach out here or email for an endorsement of a supplier that understands our failing health lot.

We need more saturated fat! That to many is also puzzling, but there are many even in the mainstream healthcare complex which are starting to change their take on saturated fats. In particular we require the cholesterol from saturated fats. That’s right, cholesterol is our friend not our foe. Cholesterol is not clogging our arteries, it’s the oils in our diet. So cut oils too, then keep or increase butter, cream, eggs, full cream milk and cheese. Cholesterol is essential for our brain and hormone health. It’s cholesterol deficiency causing infertility and Alzheimer’s! Fatty meat, also good, but it must not be cooked past medium rare which starts to produce carcinogenic properties. Also eggs must be soft yokes to provide us the cholesterol benefit. Nothing fried of course as then you get the unwanted trans fats, heterocyclic amines, and acrylamides, those clog the arteries.

The bad food list I’m advocating sounds just so ominous to many. This is due to those people’s pica. Don’t trust a google search on this pica concept. Pica is basically a behaviour seeking nutrients through cravings. We think that cravings are normal and those that succumb to cravings of freshly cooked white bread, chocolate, fried food, and even drugs and alcohol are suffering from pica, nutrient deficiency. Our body needs nutrients but it can’t lead that dopey horse to the minerals it requires. So the snack food industry was created, exotic tastes in restaurants, and takeout joints all over town, picaaaa! We are malnourished. We used to satisfy some of these nutrient deficiencies by ash practise 140 plus years ago, many of my posts reference more on this forgotten human history.

So start by eliminating the bad foods mentioned to aid absorption, unclog our arteries, and reduce inflammation. Then supplement with the 100 plus essential nutrients we all require daily. The cravings will go away together with the successful management of weight (also a nutrient deficiency of 2 or 3 minerals) and addressing chronic diseases, many can be reversed. That’s right, a reversal in obesity, diabetes, kidney dialysis, Alzheimer’s, mental health issues, eye sight, heart diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis, hypertension, mobility concerns and more. 500 plus illnesses can be addressed by cutting those bad foods and supplementing the 100 plus nutrients. I’m one of now many which has reversed multiple health concerns including losing 60kg. (132lbs).

Even start doing your own investigation how mainstream medicine is not understanding our failing health. Our life expectancies have peaked and even the CDC has indicated will start going the other way. Did you know the average life expectancy of doctors doesn’t enter into the 60s? Particularly emergency doctors. According to Forbes the average life expectancy of billionaires is 66. There’s never been a modern era elite athlete that has past 100, and I challenge anyone to identify a 100 plus year old vegan that has been a vegan for more than the last decade. The mainstream healthcare and nutrition complex even acknowledges the importance of nutrients but their understanding is rudimentary. Most can’t even figure that body weight is a consideration for nutrient dose and individual absorption capacity. Readers can reach out here for more information and clarification also. I really hope this is starting to resonate with health seekers.

Steve Andelkovic

Health advocate focused on the real cause of disease. Nutrient deficiencies are the elephant in the room. Followed by absorption.