Just say YES; DRUGS are the answer

Steve Riley
2 min readJun 5, 2019


Mr. Shiney

I think over all the tools humans have used in there evolution and the one most mysterious to me is DRUGS. I was indoctrinated into the belief that drugs were a medical “last resort” for mental health in the 80’s and although approved were considered a crutch and dirty.

Truthfully, the more we learn the more we understand that drugs are simply part of the biochemical process of the mind. The zero sum game the Reagan era had pushed me through was all backwards. Drugs like any other tools are at our disposal to control our natural inclinations. Evolution and the games it plays were imposed on our brain without choice; drugs give us another outlet to explore our own mind and experiences. Abortion is a difficult concept to grapple with; yet it is legal to kill an unborn baby and it is not legal to use natures tools to control our very own minds?

My body and my mind while I live is the one thing I can say I truly own or am the caretaker of. What happens in my body is for me to decide. Making drugs illegal or constrained is very similar to “mind control” and freedom of speech and I say freedom of mind should guarantee us the rights to decide who we are and how we act. I am the master of my domain; my body.

Property rights are really an agreement on how to manage matter that you can never truly own; EXCEPT for the domain of our own bodies and the matter contained in your own body.

I obey the laws because I am pragmatic; but I do not respect laws that tell me how to govern my own mind and body!

