Creativity and Innovation are all about taking risks

Steve Sponseller
3 min readJan 10, 2018

One of the key traits of creative people is that they are risk takers. They are not afraid to put something new out into the world that might be laughed at. Creative people don’t mind being dismissed as crazy or unusual. These types of people often generate the most innovative ideas. If you want to be a more creative person, this is a personality trait that you need to foster in yourself, and it’s easy to do.

First, take a moment to consider that without risks there are no rewards. You may have a few failures but if you can keep your failures from discouraging you, the next attempt might be a huge success. If you have what you believe are good ideas, but you’re afraid to take the plunge and put them out into the world, here are some ideas for changing your mindset.

The Worst That Can Happen

What’s the worst that could happen when you present a new idea? You might face criticism or doubts, but that’s all. In fact, you might face constructive feedback that leads you to a better idea. Perhaps some part of your initial idea can be used in a different way. Or, your initial idea may be a springboard to a bigger idea and an innovative new product or service.

Rewards Matter More than Risks

On the other hand, what if your idea is the one that gets chosen? This is the great reward for taking that risk. One way to nurture your inner risk-taker is to focus on success rather than failure. If you focus on all the great things your idea could bring, like making a positive impact on the lives of many people, it’s impossible to not put it out there.

Risk-Taking Takes Practice

Like everything else that you want to be good at, risk-taking takes practice. You have to put your ideas out there over and over again, and eventually it feels like a regular everyday activity. It’s just like getting up on stage. You can tame the worst stage fright if you have enough practice and stage time.

The Value of Failure

When it comes to creativity, both success and failure are valuable. Success is valuable for obvious reasons and failure is valuable because you can learn from it. But doing nothing at all provides no value. The only way to truly fail is to not try.

It’s Not the End of the World

It’s scary to do something for the first time, especially when you feel that those around you are seasoned professionals. But, the first time you put your ideas out in public, you will realize that even if the ideas are shot down, you still survived. Nothing bad happened. This boosts your confidence to try again next time.

Creativity and developing innovative ideas are about risk-taking and it just takes practice. You’re not taking a physical risk like skydiving or climbing Mount Everest. So, get comfortable with sharing new ideas and make it a habit that will produce great results.

Steve Sponseller is an Intellectual Property Attorney and Innovation Strategist. He has 25 years of experience helping more than 1000 inventors and business leaders identify, develop, and protect innovative ideas. Get a complimentary copy of his Innovation Strategy Checklist to start creating a steady stream of innovative ideas that give your company a competitive advantage.



Steve Sponseller

I help tech companies protect their proprietary technology to create a competitive advantage and increase valuation.