steve chomicz
2 min readDec 26, 2017


We are in a different stage of development. One of the problems that you point out is not being able to see the forest because of the trees which is due to the young age of crypto believers and the focus only on technology. Including yourself. At 29 years old, I had boundless energy and passion for technology but I did not have the market wisdom that I have now at age 65 that came from the sweat and blood and hard work in building three markets from scratch to over a billion dollars a year. And i am still learning about markets today as you are.

I have been posting on WSJ, Barron’s, Money Watch, Reddit, Seeking Alpha,here and other sites and the issue I see is that the Bitcoin core and supporters are ignorant of the market adoption process and do not realize that they are dealing with the last stage of the early adopters and the first stage of the early pragmatist.

The early pragmatist:

My heart stops when I press my wallets send button next to that long stream of alphabet numeric soup gibberish.

Why can’t that gibberish string be replaced with my store or bank or wallet or an alias that makes sense me?

Do I really need all these different coins?

Do I have to have a different wallet for each one? Why?

I don’t want to be my own bank; having sole responsibility for protecting and securing a large amount of bitcoins is scary. My neighbor had his safe containing $3 million of monero in his paper wallet ripped out of the wall.

My exchange has been hacked? who is giving me my money back?

Why is Bitcoin website owned by Bitcoin cash?

Why does Bitcoin cash even have to exist as it’s confusing me.

I don’t care about your network only why you can’t get everybody to upgrade to SegWit. And honestly i don’t care about the technology of SegWit only that it makes my transaction faster.

Why does a block explorer have to display alien hieroglyphics.

and on and on and on…..

These have to be addressed for market penetration. But they are secondary to the current main attraction of Bitcoin: Exponential increasing store of value. My bank pays me 0.1% or even negative returns on my money. My stocks return 30–45% during this bull market that is coming to an end. Bitcoin makes that in days. It is the magnet that is pulling everyone in. But once here, it would be nice for Bitcoin to truly be a great product rather than a revolutionary, anti-bank, cool product.

Bitcoin core needs to add marketing knowledge to their team, for their will always be a cheaper, better, faster, easier competitor. But there will be only one Bitcoin, who with a brand recognition P&G drools over, rules the market.

To the Moon…. Bitcoin!

“Resist much, obey little
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved;
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city, of this earth,
ever afterward resumes its liberty.” — Walt Whitman

