7 tips to ace a programming interview

Steve Merritt
7 min readMar 4, 2019
Photo by Mark Rabe on Unsplash

Software interviews are hard. Here’s a couple ways you can make them easier, from someone who’s been on both sides of the table.

1) Take a few minutes.

Speaking as an interview coach, this is one misstep that I see all the time during mock interviews. The canonical tip that everyone gives is, “talk more!”. What most of those well-meaning advice-givers overlook, however, is that talking and thinking at the same time is extremely hard. Nervous interviewees will jump straight into talking, passing up a great opportunity for concentrated thought.

Don’t waste precious minutes trying to fill the silence by saying everything you’re thinking, while simultaneously trying to solve the problem in your head.

Instead, wait until the interviewer is done explaining the problem. Ask any clarifying questions, and then tell your interviewer:

“Okay, got it. If it’s okay with you, I’m just going to take a minute or two here and think about the problem, and then I’ll start talking.”

Shut your eyes, stare at the ceiling, scribble on the whiteboard — whatever it takes. Think through the basics of the problem, and decide on an approach. Then re-engage the interviewer, and let him know what you’ve concluded. Don’t forget to provide your reasoning!



Steve Merritt

Engineering leader at Tenet. Built some parts of Google, Stadia, YouTube, and Facebook.