Published inInspecsINSPECS: Set Up, Step 3. Setting up Categories, Issues, Resolutions, Priorities and VendorsBy this point, you should have your Profile set up, your Users set up and your Locations set up. You you missed any of those during steps…Apr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020
Published inInspecsINSPECS: Set-Up, Step 2. Setting up your Locations for your Mobile Inspection DashboardNow that you have registered and set up your User Hierarchy, it is time to move on and begin to set up your locations. This is just as…Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
Published inInspecsINSPECS … Built for you. Customized by you: Initial Set-upEvery story has a beginning and for you and your inspection program, this may be yours. The Inspecs platform is so simple, that it will…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020