Cardano Project Catalyst

Steven Aldrich
4 min readSep 15, 2020


Help us Shape the Future of Cardano!

Cardano Project Catalyst
Catalyst art by Agustina Troiano

On August 7, 2020 I received an invitation to join Cardano’s Project Catalyst.

The email started off with “Help us shape the future of Cardano!”. As a long time supporter, I had been looking for a way to get involved other than holding ADA, the Cardano Token. This meant that I had basically been a lurker, consuming as much information as I could about Cardano.

Now it seemed like I was being given the chance to contribute. I jumped at the opportunity. In filling out the form to join Project Catalyst Fund1, I found myself having to say that I had no proposal to put forth. All I could offer was a lifetime’s experience in business and technical project management.

4 days later I had been accepted into the project, and was quickly getting to know the 50 members of the Catalyst Fund1 group, comprised of folks from all around the globe. The talent gathered in this group became evident as the proposals began to be posted in the platform.

Project Catalyst utilizes Ideascale as the platform for gathering proposals. This platform allows for several phases, including Ideation, Refinement, Review, and Assessment of the ideas.

What was most impressive to me was the level of collaboration that was occurring. As we worked together to assist each other in creating the best proposal for each project, many projects decided to merge. There were folks in Europe working with teams in Africa, and drawing on experience from members in Australia and America. It was simply amazing to see these diverse teams forming.

Within the Catalyst framework I found that, while I had no proposal, my contribution as an advisor (and sometimes voice of reason) was valued. Project Catalyst has several roles to be filled. There are those who are seeking funds to move their project forward, called ‘Proposers’. There is also a need for ‘Community Advisors’ who do not have a proposal and can be an unbiased guide and assist those that need help throughout the process.

All of this effort and collaboration was shepherded along by Dr. Dor Garbash, of Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) as the Project Lead. His kind approach was ever present in the process. The Cardano Summit Presentation introducing Project Catalyst gave us a sneak peek of his warm smile and inclusive attitude. If you have not seen it, here is the link.

This inclusive attitude was fully on display when a discussion got tense, or if tempers flared. As with any group of talented folks, there are times when things can get dicey. Dor was always encouraging and helpful as we worked our way through the issues being discussed.

During the first week there were 57 ideas presented. The detail in some of the proposals was thorough and professionally done. Others were really just ideas or concepts. No matter what the idea was or how little detail it began with, the team explored ways to improve and move it forward. It is amazing to be a part of a team from around the globe helping shape concepts into refined proposals that are ready to be considered for ‘funding’.

The Fund1 group knew from the start that there would be no actual funds until Fund2. I like to say that we were the test subjects in Dor’s experimental approach. Being a part of Fund1 informed the process, as well as the entire group, in preparation for Fund2.

The inclusive and collaborative aspects of Project Catalyst are what I would consider to be the key aspects of the process. In one of the polls we discovered that 50% of the team felt their favorite thing about the experience was “Interacting with other awesome community members”.

At this point you may be wondering, “So how does any of this help Shape the Future of Cardano?” Project Catalyst is the introduction of Voltaire, the Governance Phase of Cardano’s rollout plan.

Cardano is developing the most secure and decentralized governance model in the world. A model to give everybody a voice, and control over the future development of the platform and the applications and services that emerge from it.

Project Catalyst was presented to the 50 Fund1 members as an experiment. There was not much documentation provided to guide us, or box us in for that matter. We all were, and remain, involved in improving the documentation. This is the incredible power of the vision/mission of Cardano. This is the work of driving power to the edges… Decentralization In Action!

Would you like to be involved in the shaping the future of Cardano? You can be. Start by attending the Public Launch of Project Catalyst. This event will be held on Wednesday the 16th of September, 2020. Here is the link to join in.

Catalyst Fund2 has $250,000 USD worth of ADA to fund ideas presented.

Just to sweeten the deal a bit, Fund2 has $250,000 USD worth of ADA to fund ideas presented. The ideas will be voted on by all ADA Stakeholders from around the globe and funds will be awarded to the winning Proposals.

I’m looking forward to meeting you. I’ll be there to support you, as will the rest of the Fund1 members. Be ready to roll up your sleeves, grab your tools, and get to work, “Shaping the future of Cardano”.



Steven Aldrich

Long time supporter of Cardano, and moving power to the edges.