8 Herbs & Supplements That Help Weed Withdrawals

Steve Lampert
5 min readMar 1, 2017

We’ve all been there — those times when we’ve stated categorically, “I quit smoking weed for good”, only to find ourselves right back in it, yes, another relapse unfortunately. The pull back factors are usually the weed withdrawal symptoms — the depression, the insomnia, the cravings, the anxiety and all the other associated problems.

When I quit smoking weed for the last time, a friend suggested I add herbal therapy to my efforts. He knew some people who’d coped with their weed withdrawal symptoms with herbs, and they’d been clean for over a year. As a longtime follower of holistic medicine this really resonated with me.

When the insomnia and cravings became unbearable, I was more than ready to try some of these natural remedies to stop smoking weed to help with weed cravings. They actually helped my overall recovery strategy which included nutrition, exercise and relaxation. For more complete information on natural weed withdrawal shoot me an email and I’ll send you our free guide. rick@howtoquitsmokingweedhelp.com

8 supplements and herbs that help with natural weed detox and withdrawals

1. CBD Oil

CBD oil has helped thousands of people with anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can be a real help with you’re dealing with those issues from weed withdrawals. These are the Big Three that drive people back to smoking again. Be sure to buy a reputable brand of CBD and take the suggested dosage for best results. I regularly get emails from people who have quit weed using CBD and they rave about it. This would be at the top of my list for weed quitting supplements and herbs. To learn more about using CBD to quit weed.

2. L-Theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid found in black and green tea and is sold as a supplement that is easily available and not expensive. It has the remarkable ability to reduce the anxiety and panic attacks that characterize marijuana withdrawal. It’s also said to reduce the foggy brain syndrome by as much as 30 percent. People have been known to take about 200 mg of the stuff every 4 hours. Friends say after only a few days you’ll be brimming with energy again and ready to take up hobbies you threw aside during your preoccupation with weed. But don’t overdo this supplement as resistance could build up. It’s really a good idea to try l-theanine for the symptoms of cannabis withdrawal.

3. Valerian

When I quit smoking weed, I found this herb to be of tremendous help with anxiety and insomnia. And it may be just what you need if you start each day feeling jittery, shaky and filled with dread. When taken an hour before bed, it increasingly improves the quality and duration of your sleep and helps calm your mind for the day ahead. Rare side effects include head and stomach pain. But more serious side effects could occur if you mix Valerian with prescription drugs or take it for prolonged periods. In the latter case, you could find yourself being taken backwards to your insomnia or to that hung over feeling you used to get after too much weed. To avoid all this, use Valerian for just a month. You can’t go backwards. It’s not how to quit smoking weed.

4. Dandelion

If you’re plagued by nausea during recovery from weed use, I suggest you use Dandelion. Nausea affects your ability to eat properly and to absorb the necessary nutrients for good health. Dandelion restores normality to your digestive tract. It allows the bile to flow freely, nutrients to be absorbed and digestion to improve. Dandelion may be consumed as a tea, or it may be chopped up and used as garnish in cooking. It should, however, not be used with prescribed medications. Side effects include inflamed gallbladder and blocked intestines but when used correctly and under professional supervision, it’s a great step in your journey of how to quit smoking weed.

5. Scullcap

I know people who’ve successfully used this herb for nervous conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as for headaches and insomnia. It balances the hormones, and ultimately promotes the discharge of endorphins which improve your mood when you’re feeling on edge. For the first three days of acute withdrawal it may be taken every two hours. But be careful not to overdose or you’ll find yourself feeling dizzy and nauseous, and don’t combine it with medications unless you’ve spoken to your doctor.

6. Chamomile

Chamomile also provides relief for nervous conditions especially those associated with diarrhea, cramp, and other stomach disorders. It regulates the normal functions of the stomach, bowels, and intestines, thereby aiding digestion. When taken before bed in tea form, it helps you sleep better and for longer so you are calmer the next day. It’s also available in liquid form or as capsules. You could do serious damage to your health if you use it with prescribed blood thinners.

7. Ginkgo

I found Ginkgo to be great for addressing my foggy memory, depleted energy and poor circulation once I quit smoking weed. Some clinical studies have shown it to balance hormones and enhance the mood even in adolescents. Other studies suggest that Ginkgo promotes memory retention, enhances concentration, and stimulates creative thinking. It’s also been associated with lessening nervous disorders. It should, however, not be taken by pregnant or menstruating women or those whose blood is unable to clot. Again, it should only be used under a doctor’s supervision.

8. Ginseng

The hardest part of learning how to stop smoking weed is dealing with your cravings. But Ginseng makes it easier for you. Simply add a spoonful to your morning drink or porridge, and your cravings are taken care of the rest of the day. Ginseng also restores the balance, energy and focus that were depleted by your weed use. Your appetite improves too, along with your diet, sleep, digestion and general wellbeing. However, be careful not to take Ginseng with prescribed drugs as it may interact badly with them. Side effects may include insomnia and anxiety. Prolonged use at high dosage may also lead to serious side effects. To avoid this, try taking a break every three months.

In Summary

Research is increasingly leaning towards weed quitting supplements and herbs and away from drugs. Although not all studies have been conclusive, the anectodical reports are very positive. But while this offers an alternative method on how to quit smoking weed, it’s important that you find the natural supplements that works best for you and try to follow all instructions.

Obviously no one is going to try all of these cannabis quitting supplements at one time. CBD oil and l-theanine are the two major ones in use now. Some sites to do more research on what people are using the dosing can be found on these websites: http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/23078-severe-marijuana-withdrawal/

Originally published at www.howtoquitsmokingweedhelp.com on March 1, 2017.

