The brand naming process: your guide to next-level naming

Steve Harvey
5 min readMay 24, 2019

A strategic #BrandNaming process is one of the most critical parts of your brand-building strategy.

After all, your name isn’t just how people define your company; it’s also your opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors, develop an affinity with your target audience, and launch the initial steps of brand recognition.

Get your name right, and you’ll become a household name like Uber, or Google, inspiring word-of-mouth marketing from customers who can’t wait to talk about you. However, if you choose the wrong tile, you could end up struggling with obscurity, unable to connect with your target audience.

So, how do you boost your chances of choosing a memorable moniker?

Easy, start with the right process.

A strategic plan, like the ones we offer here at Fabrik, ensures that you end up with a timeless title that speaks to your customers, and elevates your brand.

Read on to discover the benefits of a brand naming process.

The prerequisites for your brand naming strategy

A lot of companies assume that naming their brand will be simple until they try to do it.

With so many competing companies out there, already equipped with trademarked names, it’s difficult to find something that’s both original and meaningful to describe your company. The co-founder of Warby Parker revealed that it took 2,000 suggestions and six months for that business to find their title.

To make sure that you start the search for your #BrandName on the right track, here are some of the things you’re going to need:

1. A clear set of objectives

What do you want to accomplish with your naming strategy? Do you just want to come up with a title for your company, or are you also looking for labels to describe your products and services too? Develop a creative brief that outlines what you want to do on your naming journey.

At the same time, think about the people you’ll need to be involved in the naming process. These are often the people who have already played a significant role in your #BrandStrategy, like key employees, shareholders and business leaders.

2. Define our core identity

Another step you’ll need to take before you name your company involves figuring out who you are and what you want people to think when they see your business. The best brand names highlight the critical parts of your core identity, including:

  • Your brand vision: Why your company exists
  • Your brand mission: What you do
  • Your brand values: How you deliver on your promises.

3. Create your user personas

If you don’t know who you’re branding your company for, then you’ll have a much harder time choosing a compelling name. Before you begin your brainstorming sessions, make sure that you have a distinct user persona or set of personas that you can use to examine your ideas from a customer’s perspective.

Your user personas will allow you to step into the shoes of the people you want to sell your products and services to, so you can choose a name that resonates with your clients.

How to test your brand names

There are many steps involved in an effective #NamingProcess, from brainstorming words that align with your brand personality, to refining your options with careful audits and evaluations. However, one of the most important steps of all involves testing and vetting the names that you feel most drawn to.

During the testing phase of the naming process, you can make sure that your name is memorable and engaging, as well as available from a legal perspective. Here’s what you need to know about vetting your tentative titles.

1. Make sure your name is memorable

Names need to be memorable to be effective. A good way to ensure that your title stays top of mind with your target audience is to choose something that’s short, simple and easy to spell. Remember, if your audience struggles to pronounce your name, then they’ll have a hard time talking about you with their friends. Names that are too complicated are often forgotten, along with the companies behind them.

2. Check that your name translates

There are plenty of horror stories in the branding world of organisations that didn’t spend enough time researching their brand name. If you plan on letting your brand expand into new countries and territories, make sure that the name you choose translates well in every region. A little bit of research or some advice from native residents of the country you want to sell in can save you from some embarrassing and expensive choices.

3. Do your due diligence

As we mentioned above, it’s tougher than ever to find a one-of-a-kind name in today’s competitive business landscape. Before you fall in love with a name, make sure that you can successfully apply to trademark your title. You’ll also need to ensure that you can get your hands on the domain name rights for the website you want to build around your brand. Your site should have the same name attached to it as your business.

Let Fabrik show you the ultimate brand naming process

Great #CompanyNames aren’t just there to look good on your business cards.

The best names speak to your audience and say something meaningful about your brand. With a strategic brand naming process, you can ensure that the moniker you choose resonates with your customers, and boosts your chances of building lucrative, long-term relationships.

Used correctly, your brand name can be one of the most valuable assets you have, capable of driving differentiation for your company and accelerating brand awareness. With a carefully-planned process, you can overcome the challenges of effective naming, and choose a truly timeless title.

For more information on the brand naming process, read our guide here. Alternatively, if you want a company to implement a state-of-the-art brand naming strategy for you, reach out to the specialists at Fabrik! We’ve helped countless companies choose meaningful monikers for their companies, products, and services.

