What is B2C marketing? Connecting with consumers

Steve Harvey
5 min readJun 18, 2018

A great marketing strategy requires companies to understand who they’re speaking to.

After all, if you want to transform uncertain prospects into happy and loyal customers, then you need to make sure that you’re generating marketing messages that resonate with your audience. This means empathising with their problems, understanding their needs, and speaking their language.

Before you can start segmenting your marketing campaigns on a deeper level, one of the first things you’ll need to know is whether you’re speaking to other brands or selling to consumers.

#B2CMarketing is all about convincing everyday customers to buy your products and services because they feel an affinity with your brand, like your products, and believe in your value.

Unlike B2B marketing, which involves talking to brands who need to prove ROI before they spend money on any new products or services, B2C marketing is more of an emotional experience. It’s about creating connections with your audience and transforming clients into ambassadors.

Here, we’re going to look at how you can launch a successful B2C marketing campaign.

The art of B2C marketing: Crucial tiers for your campaigns

Ultimately, there’s no perfect guide for engaging an audience with B2C marketing. It’s all about listening to your audience, finding out what they need from you, and creating campaigns that correspond.

What’s more, as new channels and trends continue to emerge, it’s likely that we’ll continue to see new evolutions in the B2C market too. However, even if there is no one-size-fits-all path to success, there are a few tiers that should go into every #B2C campaign. For instance, you should be:

1. Transforming your customers into ambassadors

Today’s customers are more empowered than they’ve ever been, with access to unlimited information at their fingertips. This means that most clients will spend some time researching your brand before they decide whether to do business with you.

Many B2C marketing campaigns rely heavily on social proof. The more brand ambassadors you have to advocate for your company, the more trustworthy you’ll be in the eyes of potential prospects. Try using referral or loyalty programmes to attract ambassadors, displaying user-generated content on your website, or simply asking for reviews from happy clients.

2. Investing in plenty of content

Content is king regardless of whether you’re developing a B2C campaign or a B2B marketing programme. Without content, it’s very difficult to build recognition and awareness for your brand and practically impossible to begin developing the relationships that will lead to long-term loyal customers.

To start with, you might write a regular blog or publish articles that demonstrate your thought leadership in a particular niche and raise your SEO ranking. However, remember to explore other options like videos, visuals, and podcasts too.

3. Engaging in social media

If #BusinessToConsumer marketing is all about understanding and connecting with the right audience, then you can rest assured that social media plays a vital part. With social media marketing, you can learn more about the preferences of your clients, connect with them in a more authentic space, and keep your company name top-of-mind for potential prospects.

Remember, you should be developing an affinity with your customers on social media by demonstrating your brand values in exciting social media posts. It can also help to run contests and campaigns that encourage people to get involved with your brand.

Simple ways to improve your B2C marketing strategy

As we mentioned above, B2C marketing is constantly transforming to suit the preferences of an ever-changing customer base. As new demographics like Generation Z and millennials enter the marketplace in force, it’s important to constantly look for new ways to enhance your B2C campaigns.

Here are just some of the ways that you might be able to get more out of your marketing methods:

1. Give customers a memorable experience

While B2B consumers often focus more on the measurable value they can get out of a product or service, and the money they can save, B2C prospects are all about the experience. The more you can delight your clients with interesting and unique campaigns, the more likely they are to remember you. For instance, Walkers recently enhanced brand engagement with their “Choose me or Lose Me” campaign, in which customers were asked to vote for their favourite snack flavour, or risk losing it forever!

2. Use influencers to boost social proof

Influencer marketing has emerged as one of the most popular #MarketingMethods for today’s B2C companies. It’s an easy way to convince your clients that you’re worth their time, without having to spend months proving your value. The good news is that you don’t necessarily need to invest in celebrity shout-outs to make the most of influencer marketing. Micro-influencers like Instagram celebs can still have a significant impact on your campaigns.

3. Connect on multiple channels

Finally, remember that today’s customers connect with their favourite brands through a range of different channels, all the way from blogs, to social media and more. The best way to connect with as many new prospects as possible is to launch a multi-channel approach to marketing that stretches across various types of media, including social profiles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and even an email marketing campaign.

For instance, Nissan uses email marketing to nurture customers in the buyer journey by reminding them when they have a maintenance appointment coming up. This is a great way to keep the brand in front of its customers, and potentially unlock opportunities for up-selling.

Launching your own B2C marketing campaign

Great marketing campaigns are always a challenge, but they aren’t something that any brand can afford to ignore. As every industry grows more competitive, and customers block out traditional advertising strategies, it’s up to the modern company to find the B2C campaign that best resonates with their chosen audience.

To learn more about how to create the best B2C #MarketingStrategy, check out our beginner’s guide to B2C campaigns for tips, advice, and examples to learn from.

The most important thing to remember about B2C marketing is that it’s all about building the right connections with your customers. The more you learn about your audience, and discover new ways to answer their questions, respond to their needs, and offer them the experiences they crave, the more your profits will grow.

How do you connect with your customers?

