An Introduction to Lean Canvas

Steve Mullen
6 min readJun 17, 2016

As an entrepreneur, one of the most important tasks you can perform is getting your idea(s) out from your head into a tangible format so that you can communicate that with others. In the past, this usually meant a well-researched business plan, that would usually take weeks (more like months) to create.

I turn to the Lean Canvas to help me quickly formulate possible business models, product launches, campaigns and variations of, and communicate this with my stakeholders for my Lead Flow Method work. Having the Lean Canvas as a visual guide made this part “communicating the model/idea” so much more effective — and I think the most valuable function of the tool.

The problem with business plans for startups & entrepreneurs are that they’re a waste of time, don’t get me wrong a well-researched business plan is important but only at the right stage of your business (usually when you’re in growth/investment).

This quote from Steve Blank sums up this point in case: “Business Plan: a document investors make you write, that they don’t read”.

The key fundamental to Lean methodology is the elimination of waste — this includes time, processes, inventory and more.

So as a lean startup you need a quicker way to get ideas out of your head, you need to stay lean & avoid waste — so, it’s time to introduce Lean Canvas.

Before we jump into the Lean Canvas it’s important to point out that Lean Canvas has been adapted by Ash Maurya from the very…



Steve Mullen

Putting The Internet To Work Since 2001 • Online Business Performance Coach • Done-For-You Sales Funnels, Marketing Automation & Website Design Services.