“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”

Kojo Agyei
5 min readJan 12, 2017


Raymond Inmon

Good morning peeps, meditation done.

Quote for the Day:

“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”

Raymond Inmon

I absolutely adore walking with my dog Zeus. Though a wood, up a hill, along a beach — my walk is my favourite part of the day. The walk clears my head and creates time and space to think clearly and gives me my best creative ideas.

My favourite place to walk is in Cromarty on the Black Isle in the Highlands, along the beach and up the South Sutors, sitting on a bench nearly at the top of the hill, with an amazing view, where if I am at the right time of day I can usually watch the dolphins play in the mouth of the Cromarty Firth. I will then walk to the top, down the road along American way, and along the Ladies walk.

Whatever is playing on my mind at the beginning of the walk is always gone and a solution found by the time I have got home. The feeling of my heart pumping as I climb up the 100 steps and the sound of the wind, clearness of the air filled with oxygen, swirling around the huge trees that have been there for centuries is both exhilarating and grounding at the same time.

The whole walk takes just under 2 hours and I try and do it everyday, when I am at my mothers in Cromarty, whatever the weather, whatever the season, I love the way the scenic beauty varies its look due to the changing seasons but maintains all of its beauty.

At the moment whilst I am recovering from my injury I cannot physically do my favourite walk up the Sutors, but the physiotherapist has told me it is animportant part of my recovery to walk everyday and to try increase the distance and duration gradually.

So when I step out of my mother’s house and walk across the road onto the beach I turn left, away from the village and the Sutors. Walking this way means I encounter no hills and more importantly no people so I get a really great feeling of freedom and space, which really clears my mind and allows me to think freely.

By the time I have taken my first step onto the beach, I will have meditated, written, had breakfast, sent out my morning emails and done my yoga and rehabilitation exercises.

I am ready to unwind and have some quality time to myself alone with my thoughts and my dogs Zeus and Zorro.

It is a cardio workout, with leg strengthening and meditation thrown in at the same time, which simultaneously refreshes my mind, body and soul as well as being a time when I have come up with some of my best creative ideas and on top of this it costs absolutely nothing to do.

You just put on some appropriate clothing and footwear, step out the door and off you go. It’s a no brainer, you can walk to work, walk to school, walk to the shops, walk the dog, walk with your friends or with your partner and if you do need to get in your car you can drive somewhere beautiful, park up and walk from there!

But what about the weather I can almost hear you say as one, as Britain was been hit with the worst weather of the winter so far yesterday, with even colder weather on it’s way. Yesterday was pretty bad up here in the Highland’s and Zeus looked at me as if I was mad when I put my coat on and had his lead in my hand, which indicated to him that we were going for a walk. I opened the back door and nearly got blown over and just about managed to get Zeus to go outside to do a pee, let alone go for a walk.

But Sir Ranulph Fiennes who according to the Guinness Book of World Records in 1984, was at the time the world’s greatest living explorer, famously said about the weather,

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.”

Get started before you leave the house. Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. A few thin layers are better than one thick one. That way you can take off layers as you warm up, or add if you get cold. Unless you’re positive it’s not going to rain, take a jacket, because it’s a lot easier than holding an umbrella. A hat can keep you warm in winter and protect you from the sun in summer. Wear gloves if it’s cold, walking briskly with your hands in your pockets is difficult. Take some water and some food, too, if you’re going on a longer walk.

My mission is to encourage and motivate people to make maintainable changes to their lifestyle, to improve, enhance and most importantly, enjoy the personal rewards a more energised life will bring.

You have all ready started the journey by taking the time to read this. The next step is to get off the sofa, and step out into the fresh air. Go for a brisk walk; you will be amazed at how good you will feel, and the changes it will make to your life. It will make you smile, guaranteed[LA1] .

Have a thoughtful Thursday peeps go for a walk and may all your dreams come true.

Breathe, Believe and Achieve

Be Happy, Healthy and Wise

Keep on Winning, Smiling and Living the Dream



