“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”

Steve Agyei
3 min readJan 12, 2016


Raymond Inmon

Good morning peeps, meditation done.

Quote for the Day:

“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”

Raymond Inmon

Even though I am down in London without Zeus and Zorro, I still love walking everywhere when I am not in a rush to get somewhere. I love walking along the river from Putney to Barnes, to either see my friend Jason in Barnes or across the Hammersmith Bridge to go and see my friend Simon at the Andover Arms in Bracken Village.

It’s great during the day, but at night London and the Thames are simply stunning.

Walking is the time I do my best creative thinking, the other times are when I am meditating or doing yoga.

I am not thinking of anything in particular my mind clears and then ideas just come in my head as if they are whispered by angels.

If I am doing yoga or meditating I have to remind myself, I must remember that when I finish and then switch back to the present and refocus on my breathing, which is why walking is the best time for my creative thinking, because I can run with my ideas and develop them further.

I like to walk, meditate and do yoga every day, not only is it great for creative thinking it is great for your health. Walking in a beautiful environment is the perfect exercise.

Walking is the most natural way to increase energy, reduce stress and maintain joint health and flexibility. Walking strengthens the muscles. That helps shift pressure from joints and reduce pain. Repeated walking compresses and releases knee cartilage helping to nourish joints and stave off deterioration.

I strongly recommend walking at least five times a week for 30 minutes outside among trees and greenery.

Research shows regular, brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart attack by the same amount as more vigorous exercise like jogging. Walking gently stresses the body’s key systems — heart, lungs, muscles, joints and circulation. This stress leads body adaption to accommodate the increased physical demands. Walking stresses the body at a level very beneficial to overall health and fitness but is within reach of most.

Do things like walking to work. Even if you take the bus, train or tube get off a stop earlier and walk the rest. Forget the lift or elevator, take the stairs. Maybe try and take a short lunchtime walk. Abandon the car and walk to the shops. That can help buy smaller amounts of fresh food but carrying bags back home is good exercise as well.

Try and walk where there are lots of trees and greenery, if you are in a city in a park or along a river, because where there are trees there is more oxygen and cleaner air.

Walk where there is a sense of space and expanse, this will really clears your mind and helps reduce your stress levels, and that is when you will hear the angels whispering in your ears to give you your best creative ideas.

Why not wrap up warm and go for a walk today.

Have a tremendous Tuesday peeps,

Breathe, Believe and Achieve,

Be Happy, Healthy and Wise

Keep on Winning, Smiling and Living the Dream


Steve Agyei

Founder of Beyond Lifestyle Secrets

Author of Celebrity Training Secrets



Steve Agyei

I am a Choreographer, Personal Trainer and Yogi, Author & Motivational Speaker, who loves life, especially Dance, Sport,Travelling,Walking, Reading, Yoga & Dogs