“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

Steve Agyei
2 min readNov 4, 2015


Benjamin Franklin

Good morning peeps, meditation done.

Quote for the day:

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

Benjamin Franklin

Evceryday you must strive to be a better version of yourself than you were the day before.

Everyday you get on your yoga mat or in the gym you must push yourself that little bit further than you did the day before.

Every article or document you write must be the best one you have ever written.

Every run you go for must be faster than the one before.

Everyday you must drink more water and eat better food than you did the day before.

Everyday you must be a better parent than you were the day before.

Everyday you must be a better partner than you were the day before.

Everyday you must be a better son or daughter than you were the day before.

Everyday you must be a better friend than you were the day before.

This is the only way you will make continual growth, progress and improvement to produce true achievement and lasting success in your life.

Get up today, look in the mirror and say out loud,

“Today I am going to be the best version of me, I can possibly be.”

And then repeat the process every morning,

“Today I am going to be the best version of me, I can possibly be.”

Have a wonderful Wednesday peeps

Breathe, Believe and Achieve

Be Happy, Healthy and Wise

Keep on Winning, Smiling and Living the Dream


Steve Agyei

Founder of Beyond Lifestyle Secrets

Author of Celebrity Training Secrets



Steve Agyei

I am a Choreographer, Personal Trainer and Yogi, Author & Motivational Speaker, who loves life, especially Dance, Sport,Travelling,Walking, Reading, Yoga & Dogs