Steve Blanchard
Steve Blanchard

Steve Blanchard readily comes to mind when one envisions a refined sense of leadership seamlessly interwoven with an unwavering work ethic. Hailing from Albany, NY, he exemplifies these qualities in every facet of his life, from his thriving career to his cherished pastimes and deep-rooted commitment to giving back to the community.

Professional Journey

Steve holds the esteemed position of President and Founder at Empire State Warranty, a highly successful vehicle service contract company in his hometown of Latham, NY. His journey to establish this enterprise mirrors his tireless work ethic and remarkable leadership acumen. In 2016, his unyielding dedication earned him the coveted Presidents Club award at Preferred Warranties Inc., affirming his status as a top-tier representative. This triumph underscored his exceptional skills and marked a significant milestone in his career trajectory.

Fueled by his accomplishments and driven by the desire to make an even more significant impact, Steve embarked on entrepreneurship. This decision, born from consistent success and unwavering confidence in his leadership abilities, culminated in the forthcoming launch of a new office this November.

Personal Passions

Beyond the confines of boardrooms and the hustle and bustle of the vehicle service contract industry, Steve finds solace and joy in sports and video gaming. His affinity for these pursuits dates back to his formative years when he first discovered his love for baseball and video games. As he matured, so did his passion for sports. He derives enjoyment from the game not just for the thrill it offers but also for the sense of competition it fosters and the social connections it facilitates.

Steve's deep-rooted interest in sports and video gaming serves as a testament to his work ethic and leadership prowess. Even in leisure moments, he values teamwork, strategy, and persistence that underpin both endeavors. He embodies these virtues, making him an active participant and prominent player in both the game and life.

Commitment to Philanthropy

Authentic leadership is characterized by service, and Steve Blanchard epitomizes this principle through his active involvement in charitable endeavors. His notable engagement is with the NAMI organization, a platform dedicated to advocating for the welfare of individuals facing mental disorders. His close association with the organization is fueled by his journey of confronting challenges such as MDD, PTSD, and anxiety disorders.

But Steve's philanthropic spirit continues. He generously volunteers at his local CO-OP, Honest Weight, and contributes to several charitable causes in Western NY, including the Oishei Children's Hospital. Through these activities, he demonstrates a profound sense of selflessness and an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others—qualities that resonate with his robust leadership.

Looking Ahead

As Steve gazes toward the future, his industrious nature and exceptional leadership skills remain steadfast. The imminent opening of his new office this November, coupled with his wife's appointment as Chief Operating Officer, he signifies his unwavering commitment to progress and his fearless approach to overcoming challenges.

Steve Blanchard firmly places himself among the leaders worthy of admiration through his accomplishments and future aspirations. His tireless work ethic and unparalleled leadership abilities leave an indelible mark on his professional domain, hobbies, and community involvement.

Steve Blanchard

Steve Blanchard

Steve Blanchard emerges from Albany, NY's energetic hubs, an embodiment of purposeful leadership and unwavering ambition. His footprints in the corporate world.