Regina King’s Loss: Her Bipolar Son Ian Alexander Took His Own Life

Steve Bloom
3 min readJan 23, 2022
Regina King and Ian Alexander Jr.
Ian Alexander Jr. with his mom Regina King

Not much is known about the death of Ian Alexander Jr. — actress Regina King’s son — other than it was a suicide. That information was released to CNN and other outlets on Jan. 21.

“He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others,” the family statement reads. Alexander’s parents divorced in 2007.

What we do know is Alexander was 26 and went by the name Desduné as a DJ and recording artist. His last song, “Green Eyes,” was posted at YouTube on Jan.6. It has 5k views.

His mom hyped “Green Eyes” at Instagram on Jan. 14:

Now listening to “Green Eyes”
@desdunemjv said he’d quit smoking if he gets a million streams….Maaaan Listen…I got this jam on repeat!

Alexander previously released the funky track below, with lengthy vocals, as Desduné. In May 2021, he said it was a tribute to Prince: “I just wanna make the next Purple Rain, this was a good first stab at it.”



Steve Bloom

I'm a longtime journalist and author with 30+ years covering cannabis. I'm a former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of "Pot Culture.”