Advance Transcript of Trump “Border Crisis” Address to the Nation

Early Morning Leak Gives Insight to President’s “Thinking.” Also Announces “Wall Commission” to be led by Kobach, Conway.

Steve Bouchard
Extra Newsfeed
7 min readJan 8, 2019


President Trump after an early morning leak

January 8, 2019

(Washington, DC) In a televised Oval Office address, the first of his presidency, President Trump will lay out his case for declaring a national emergency on the nation’s southern border.

We have obtained an exclusive, advance copy of the speech. The following is the unedited draft as written for delivery:

My Fellow Americans, I am speaking to you tonight about something very, very important, believe me. National Security. National Security. I was elected, in one of the greatest elections ever, because everyone knew I would keep our great country safe. First, I had to fix the economy, which I have already done. I inherited a mess. You wouldn’t even believe it. The previous administration handed off an economy that was headed down the tubes. My people tell me it was one of the worst ever. But today, we have record low unemployment. The market is doing terrific. Aside from a glitch or two, which Jerome Powell caused. It wasn’t me. That I can tell you. I tell him “Jay, don’t raise interest rates,” and then he does anyway, and the market has a glitch and the lying media try to blame Trump. They never give me credit for anything. I don’t care, I don’t need credit. My people tell me all the time, “Mr. President, what you are doing is, really, when you think about it, one of the greatest things our country has ever seen.” In history. Think about that. It’s true. But they won’t write about it. For example, for decades, going back many presidents…many presidents, the rush hour commute in Washington has been terrible. It’s really awful, what’s happening there. I said “we have to fix this. I don’t care what others say, I will fix it.” And for the past 18 days, we set a new record for least traffic ever, going back all the way to Thomas Jefferson. Maybe even further than that, probably, who knows? And they don’t cover it. They just don’t cover it. Very unfair, horrible people.

Let me talk about a very big…very big problem in our country. The Democrat Party wants open boarders (sic). They want drugs, and rapists, and crime, and disease pouring into our country. They don’t care about keeping us safe. Every single day in this country, tens of millions of people cross our boarder (sic) illegally. Everyone says, “there’s nothing we can do.” We’ve been trying to fix it going back many presidents, long before I got here, believe me. Back to Reagan, even before that, probably. I know how to fix it. It will be easy. It will be so easy, you won’t even believe it. That’s what scares Lyin’ Chuckie and No-Boarders (sic) Nancy. They don’t want to fix it, because they know they can’t win in 2020 without illegal votes. And they know they can’t win on the issues. Record low black unemployment. Record low on the Hispanics, too. We are creating jobs faster than anyone in the history of our country.

Walls work. They all have, throughout history. Even in this very special place we call the White House. Look around this Oval Office and what do you see? Four walls. Most of our great buildings have walls. No one knows more about walls than me, that I can tell you. So, we need to build a wall. And we will. We need it, and everyone knows it. Everyone. But Congress won’t act. Even though we just had a great mid-term, and set a new record by electing more Republicans in the Senate, too many so-called Republicans in the House didn’t want to embrace Trump. So they lost. Like Mia Love. Bye, Mia. Gone. And Barbara Comstock. No embrace…no votes. And because they lost, Congress can’t build the much needed and terrific wall. Not enough votes. We need more votes than just Republicans. Many people don’t know that.

So, I am declaring a National Emergency. We have to. It’s too important. There have been times in history when really bad, horrible things were happening in this country and presidents have had to declare emergencies. Lincoln during the Civil War. The one from the Great Depression. Even a Democrat, John Kennedy, during Pearl Harbor. It used to not matter which party, but now it does. Very sad. Very sad what’s happening in this country.

To address the national emergency, we will bring our troops home from Syria, because we’ve knocked ISIS out. Knocked them silly. The lying media won’t tell you that. Horrible people. And the troops, the heroic men in our great military — the Army, the Navy, the Marines, and the other ones, will all come home and build the wall. Some people have said building a wall could cost $250 billion. Or even more. I told them “No. That’s way too much money.” We will build it for $5.7 billion, probably less even, but who knows. I know more about building things than anyone, believe me. So, we will build it on time, and under budget, or else the people building it won’t get paid. That I can tell you.

I am also appointing Kris Kobach, terrific guy…very popular…I sometimes say to him “Kris, not TOO popular, okay?” to be the Wall Czar, as well as Kellyanne Conway. And there will be an official presidential commission overseeing the whole process. It will be led by Jared, who recently brought us peace in the Middle East. Well, really, I did that. Netanyahu calls sometimes and says to me, “Mr. President, what you have done is really unbelievable. It is the greatest thing to happen to our country ever, really, if you think about it.” And I also brought peace to Korea. They said it couldn’t be done. So many presidents had tried, and I did it in my first two years. Well, my first year really. But they’ll say I’m lying about that. So, I will say two. We’ve accomplished more in two years than any president has done in their entire term. It’s true. You know that, and everybody knows that.

Joining Jared on the wall commission will also be American hero, Joe Arpaio. “Sheriff Joe,” they call him. Great guy. Very tough. Very tough, believe me. Treated so unfairly by Obama. It was a real disgrace.

Also on the commission will be Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade, Jon Voight, Newt Gingrich, James Woods, and Brett Kavanaugh. Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Another one treated so unfairly. What they did to him was horrible. A total disgrace. The Democrats tried to block him. These are horrible, disgusting people.

In addition to the commission, we are going to make the wall beautiful. It will be very beautiful, believe me. The art will be designed or directed by our very terrific First Lady, Melanie (sic). She is doing a terrific job. The greatest First Lady our country has ever had. Many people don’t know this, but she decorated the White House with those beautiful trees for Christmas. And it is CHRISTMAS. We can say that again. And she will do a terrific job on the wall, that I can tell you.

The entire project will be called “The Wall of America.” And it will be very, very special. And so important. Very important. I think history will be very proud of the Trump administration. Very proud, believe me. Many people are saying they think Trump will be remembered for rescuing the economy, bringing peace to the Korean peninsula, bringing peace to the Middle East, restoring our respect around the world…and they respect us, believe me. Many of them tell me “we support you 100% Mr. President.” But I will also be remembered for what I have already done for national security, with Space Force, and with the Wall of America. And much of it is already done. They never tell you that. And where we’ve built a wall, it is already working. My people tell me we are saving hundreds of billions of dollars a month because of what I have done on the wall. All the other presidents tell me, privately, “I wish I had built a wall. Think of how great we could have been if I did.”

Well, I got it done. It is part of my plan to Make America Great Again, which we already did, if you think about it, in my first year. Or two maybe. I was thinking of using the slogan “Keep America Great” for my re-election, but there is so much more I can do. We are setting so many records. Many people are saying I will have all the records by the time my eight years, or more, maybe, are up. So, I am going to run on the new slogan “Make America Even More Greater.” Who is going to beat that? Pocahontas? Sad Joe Biden? I hope they run. I really do. It will be so easy.

Thank you, and God bless the United States, and well, the whole world, really, if you think about it.

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Steve Bouchard
Extra Newsfeed

Bouchard (1967-Now) is an American “writer” & “humorist.” A cyclist, he’s tied w/ Lance Armstrong in Tour de France wins. Combined w/ Jeff Bezos, is worth $100B