If only tress and all of nature can say more!!!



Blogs, Books, Podcasts; Magic, Moneybags, TV, Politics; Religion, The Occult — Endless Voices!!!

Everybody is running around these days with their own parochial definition of every known human and non-human phenomena — Astral, biological, social, terrestrial and what have you. “Experts” and “Influencers” are feeding people their garbage theories and principles on virtually everything, leading only to more emptiness, more questions and unresolvable woe.

On this particular day in the life of a nation, something unprecedented has happened. Life was both quiet, peaceful and yet so chaotic in the city of Jerusalem.

The priced ferocious prophet, John, has been arrested. And things are not looking good for him at all. This event becomes the backdrop of one of the most distinct and most vivid personal invitational calls that Heaven has made to sinful conflicted humanity, the individual — You, Me, Mom; Dad, all your siblings, Mine; our friends and foes:

“Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” Mark 1:14,15.

How then is it here that this issue had to be brought up? There is a problem in the land. A problem heavily spoken of in the past. Wrote about and prophesied about by so many — Prophets, non-prophets and even vagabonds. We became numb and complacent to its vibes. But here it comes … Full trot. John is in prison. His life at stake for no justifiable, no bloody meaningful reason! But that is this world we live in. Not your home. And certainly, not mine.

Since when has the Maker of the universe surrendered the reins of leadership, life, creative growth, success or even the mere tenets of sense and sensibility to some broken melancholic whose only true creation in life has been that online space and a microphone, with some outlandish sensational gossip-rid socio-political opinion???

I will go with the eternal Echo and everyone that says true Amen — To this life and way of true self-discovery, self-surrender and eternal anchor on the only cause and pursuit of life that presents an endless day.

All the way back from then! That same era of the murdered be-headed John the Baptist, nobody gives a riff about you, your cause or your safety, to say the least. They may promise and even dare to throw some pennies, just and only if they are in some political space, and the money is not theirs.

Repent — Not a mere religious phrase or some repulsive unintelligent purge.

Change your mind — From what? Why, How and Who Cares?

Change my mind about what?

… I hope you read the next segments of this stoy!!!



Steve C. Ibeawuchi, Jacksonville FL.

My name is Steve. I am a Christian missions developer, corporate grants & loans advisor, Angel investor; Founder, SilverOak Voice of One. Live in Jacksonvile FL