My Affiliate Marketing Disclosure Statement

Steve Dalton
2 min readMar 25, 2020


You likely got here because you clicked this link: Note: This post contains affiliate links. Read my disclosure statement for additional information.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires affiliate marketers to include a disclosure statement. Although many Medium writers fail to comply with this requirement, I would rather err on the side of good judgment and follow Medium’s terms and conditions.

Beyond legal rules and obligations, it makes sense to read this disclosure as it will assist in making safer decisions on the internet in general and on this site in particular.

I have been earning money online for nearly a decade. It is certainly a small portion of my income that comes from affiliate marketing. However, the more sources of income you have, regardless of how substantial, the better equipped you are when one or more does not meet expectations.

Because companies need assistance selling their products even with massive advertisement campaigns, they turn to us, their readers, for help. With us affiliate marketers, they only need to pay when we get them a sale. Affiliate marketing is a logical and foolproof win-win for any industry.

It is for us, too; all we need to do is include a link within our written word for interested readers to click and possibly answer their call-to-action (CTA).

Companies pay podcasters, vloggers, bloggers, and others who provide online content like us! In many cases, the very tools we use to help our businesses grow are tools other struggling writers need, another win-win!

Many of the outbound links that I use in my writing are affiliate links, which means that when you click that link to complete a subscription or purchase, I earn commissions on that sale. By the way, thanks so much for helping me, and I sincerely hope your purchase assists you in building a bigger and better business.

Although I never make a recommendation just for a few sales, you may not realize the same value from similar products as I do. That’s why it’s important to always do your comparisons before making a final purchase decision.

When you have questions about any product I recommend, feel free to ask me personally.

How to Reach Me

Steve Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland and a Certified US English Chicago Manual of Style Editor. He is a freelance journalist currently living in the Philippines.

You can see his portfolio here. Email:

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Steve Dalton

I am a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. I read a lot, and I tell my friends about what I’ve read.