Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 7: Finale - Deprovisioning.

Steve Murimi
2 min readAug 8, 2023


The Cloud Resume Challenge is complete!

AWS Cloud resume challenge.

The end!

Congratulations on sticking with this walk through thus far. Pat yourself on the back. We are now at a cross roads, do we deprovision the resources we have created or leave them online?


Should you choose to leave your resources online, I strongly urge you to secure your architecture and possibly write a more efficient lambda. It is also imperative that you configure Cloudfront appropriately or even move your website of off cloudfront. Cloudfront is very efficient and convenient but it does tend to be pricey!

You could always take your website offline by:

a) Disabling the cloudfront distribution and,

b) Deleting the hosted zone in Route53,

These are reversible decisions in case you want to activate the website later on however the more drastic decision would be to delete all your resources. If you had placed tags on all your resources then deprovisioning them will be a walk in the park, otherwise you will have to manually look for your deployed resources.

NB: Kindly make sure to confirm the costs assciated with the services you have deployed in your chosen region and decide whether you are comfortable. Also not all services fall under the free tier for example the domain must be purchased.

Otherwise go forth and use this project as a stepping stone to build even ‘cooler’ projects!

Challenge: Provision using infrastructure as code and add security to the application.

Adios for now!

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Project breakdown:

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge — Part 1: S3 static website hosting.

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 2: Conquering Cloudfront — Harnessing the Forces of Global Content Delivery.

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 3: GitHub Actions — CI-CD through Github for the win!

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 4: Slaying DynamoDB and API Gateway. The Cloud Resume Challenge continues.

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 5: Lambda almost drove me mad, but I conquered it! — The Cloud Resume Challenge continues.

Unleashing the Power of the Cloud (AWS): The Epic Journey of the Cloud Resume Challenge-
Part 6: Route53 and ACM. The Cloud Resume Challenge continues.

