Antioxidants VS Free Radicals: A Simple Solution

Steve Fillmore
3 min readJul 6, 2017


Every day, your body is naturally producing free radicals that contribute to heart and inflammatory problems, develop cataracts, and even encourage cancer cell growth, which was already rapidly out of control in the first place. If that isn’t scary enough, take the time to imagine what it is doing your body in the meantime without you even knowing anything is wrong. What is even scarier is that your body is producing free radicals faster than they die off, and it doesn’t naturally make anything to counteract them in the amount that is needed in order to stop them right in their tracks. The issue with free radicals is that they are a byproduct of oxygen in your body, and you need oxygen to live.

What can you do about it? Well, there isn’t anything you can do to completely stop them, but you can certainly fight back to keep them at bay. While your body won’t produce what you need in the right numbers, you’ll find that there are plenty of things that you can eat in order to make up for that lack.

What you’re looking for are called antioxidants, and they are pretty much talked about en masse because of free radicals. The purpose of antioxidants is to break free radicals down and encourage fast decomposition in your body so that they can be properly eliminated. Every aesthetic reason you have heard for putting more antioxidants in your system is actually an safterthought, as free radicals are responsible for things like skin inflammations, increased acne, and crow’s feet showing up earlier than expected. So sure, while you’re getting your glowing, clear skin that you are looking for, you are also preventing a heart attack, conducting basic eye care, promoting skin cell regrowth, and taking a very important preventative measure against multiple cancers.

There are a variety of different types of antioxidants to keep your eyes out for, but a few of the most beneficial ones are beta-carotene, lycopene, and flavonoids. Every part of the body will not be able to use the same type of antioxidant as its neighbor, so if possible, it’s a smart idea to research what you are putting into your body if you are looking for a targeted health boost instead of a simple, general set.

Beta-carotene is, as you’ve likely heard, is good for your eyes. It is extremely interesting as you can visually see it in many cases, as when it comes to plants, it’s just a pigment for them. You’re looking for reddish-orange colors in some, but there are a few green options as well. Chives are one of the best sources of beta-carotene outside of sweet potatoes and carrots. Some other herbs and spices you will find it in includes chili peppers, paprika, parsley, and dandelion leaves. Just be careful with beta-carotene. It metabolizes into Vitamin A, which is toxic to humans in high amounts.

Lycopene is in the same family as beta-carotene, but unlike beta-carotene, it does not produce Vitamin A. You can find it in bright red foods, with the exception of strawberries and cherries, and will aid in prostate health. It is also a key factor in preventative medicine, as it has proven to be one of the few things that can slow a cancer cell cluster, possibly even help prevent them from forming at all. You’ll find it mainly in tomato-based products, as a raw tomato is the best known source. (Hello, ketchup!) It is also one of the few antioxidants that humans can have an allergy to, so make sure to monitor yourself if you decide to increase your lycopene.

You might be wondering why cherries and strawberries were not reliable sources of lycopene. That is because they are a far more reliable source of flavonoids. You’ll find flavonoids in most berries and tree fruit, but also dill, rosemary, spearmint, and thyme! Flavonoids are what to look for if you are on the search for antioxidants with heart reparation motives, but will also improve your skin and immune system.

Remember, eating healthy should taste good and feel good! Antioxidants tend to also be powerhouses for flavor, so be sure to try many different flavor profiles!



Steve Fillmore

I am a 2X testicular #cancer THRIVER ! I have a passion for sharing the knowledge in wellness in conquering cancer.