What Is Your Poet’s Voice?

Steve Gee
2 min readSep 15, 2017


When you speak your poetry (as I hope you do), do you use a particular voice? Do you have more than one?
I didn’t pay much attention to it, until I shared a poem/song with my brother.

(My audio version)

I asked him what he thought of it, and he said,

“Sounds great, but why are you doing it with an american accent?”

Actually, I was trying to do a Tom Waits voice, but it got me thinking.

Do you use different voices to perform your art?

Mick Jagger famously puts on a yankee drawl when he sings.
Thank god Van Morrison or Joe Cocker didn’t sing with full gaelic voices. We never would have understood a word!

Are there poems or songs that you can’t help but hear with a particular voice?

Although its been covered by so many artists, a generation of people would only be able to hear “Hallelujah” with the voice of Jeff Buckley.
I once heard a cover of a particular Simon and Garfunkel song (I won’t tell you which - It WILL ruin it), but now, every time I hear it, I can only hear it with a messed-up Irish accent.


What’s your poet’s voice?

Do you have more than one?

