What Is the Correct Format of a Personal Statement?

5 min readApr 6, 2024

A personal statement is writing about you that you must submit to your institution while appearing for an undergraduate or post-graduation degree. Also, you may need to submit it in your professional sector while getting a job. So, you can take the help of a reputed personal statement writing service. Also, you must have a clear idea about this kind of writing. So, know about what it is. Also, you will get information on the proper formatting of writing a personal statement here.

What Is a Personal Statement?

In simple words, a personal statement gives a brief idea about yourself. It talks about your achievements and talents. Also, it shows your interests and goals in life that you must include on the resume for a job or admission application. Usually, the personal statements for academics and jobs are similar. However, you must write a longer and more detailed statement for your university. Here, you must mention three to four paragraphs.

On the other hand, the statement on a job application is simpler and shorter. Here, you can use only one paragraph to explain yourself. Also, employers and institutions may have exclusive requirements. So, check those well before writing your personal statement.

Why Do Institutions and Employers Want It?

The institutions or the employers get to know you more through your personal statement. It is the written self of you. You can easily make an impression on them through this write-up. But make sure you do not make your personal statement too imposing. It should tactfully state yourself. Thus, the institutions and your employers can better understand your wit and details.

Follow the Formatting Guidelines of a Personal Statement

Usually, all kinds of personal statements are the same. You just need to write a longer one to get admission to a university. For a job application, you can write a shorter one. Here is the correct format for writing a personal statement. Have a look-

Maintain the Length

A personal statement is never too long. So, make sure you keep it within 500 to 1000 words. Also, you should maintain any special instructions regarding the length.

Focus on the Structure

Divide the personal statement into short and crisp paragraphs. Also, maintain a smooth flow between paragraphs. You must use headings and sub-heads to guide readers to understand your points.

Check the Tone

You must use a professional tone. However, there must be a personal touch. You must not use too professional words. Also, avoid using difficult phrases and words. Instead, you should try to keep readers engaged with your personal tone.

Always Proofread

Never submit the statement without proofreading. Go through it carefully. Thus, you will know if it is clear and coherent. Also, make sure it is accurate. Check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. You can show it to your tutors or mentors to get feedback. Pay attention to those and bring changes if necessary.

So, here’s an overview of formatting personal statements properly. If you are unsure, you can consult assignment help online services. They can help you write an effective statement.

Things to Remember While Writing a Personal Statement

So, you know what a personal statement is. Also, you get an idea about the correct formatting of it. Now, you must remember certain things while writing a personal statement. Read on to know more-

Write a Proper Introduction

You must begin with a proper introduction. Make sure it reflects your personality. Also, it must explain why you need admission to that particular institution. Besides, it must uphold why you want the job. So, you must write an introduction stating how you are the best for the purpose. If you write it to get an admission, you must mention why the course or the institution is perfect for you. Explain it in a full paragraph. On the other hand, a personal statement for a job must explain your personality and interest in the role in the organization.

Talk About Your Skills and Experience

It is one of the most important things you must remember while writing a personal statement. After the introduction part, you must focus on the body paragraphs. Here, you must talk about your skills, talents, and experiences. You can write about the personal details relevant to the job or the course. Let’s find out which are the most essential things you must mention here-

· Write about experiences and achievements. Here, you must mention your degrees and certifications. Also, mention the awards you have received. Moreover, write about your experience in a certain industry.

· Describe the talents and skills here. Mention about your course of study so far. You must mention the skills the institution seeks in the potential candidates.

· Mention your goals. Here, you must talk about the goals of your life. Also, state how the course or job can help you to achieve your goals.

Write a Strong Conclusion

Now, you must create a strong conclusion that will leave an everlasting impression on the receivers. Here, you must mention the reason for applying for the course or the job. Also, talk about your expectations from others in life.

Proofread and Edit

Are you done with writing the personal statement? Then, you must take time and proofread your document. You must read it aloud to know if it has any flaws. Also, you must look for certain errors, like-

· Grammatical errors

· Spelling mistakes

· Irrelevant

· Too much use of passive voice

· Too much use of complicated language

You can use online tools to rectify such errors. Always write in simple and easy-to-read language. Make sure you can easily communicate with the readers through a personal statement.


So, here, you learn about personal statements and get an idea about formatting them properly. We have also mentioned the important things to keep in mind while writing a personal statement, so you can now write them well. Still, if you need a professional touch, you can consult a personal statement writing service.

