How to Make Layered Candles: Step-by-Step Guide

3 min readJul 18, 2023


Layered Candles


Candle-making can be a rewarding and creative hobby. Among the various candle types, layered candles stand out as beautiful and captivating pieces of art that add a touch of elegance to any space. Creating layered candles is not only enjoyable but also allows you to explore your artistic side by combining different colors and scents. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of making layered candles, from selecting the right materials to the final product. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of Candle Shipping Boxes Wholesale to ensure your creations remain safe and presentable during storage and transport.

1. Materials Required

Before embarking on your layered candle-making journey, ensure you have all the necessary materials at hand. You will need candle wax, candle wicks, fragrance oils, candle dyes, a double boiler, a thermometer, molds, and a stirring utensil.

Selecting Candle Wax

Choosing the right candle wax is essential for successful layered candles. Consider using high-quality paraffin or soy wax, as they offer an excellent scent throw and produce a smooth surface for your candles.

Choosing Candle Wicks

Select the appropriate candle wicks based on the diameter of your candles. Wicks come in various sizes and materials, such as cotton or wood, and picking the right ones will ensure even burning.

Selecting Fragrances and Colors

Pick fragrances and colors that complement each other and align with your desired theme. Be mindful of the recommended fragrance load to prevent overpowering scents.

Preparing the Workstation

Set up your workstation in a well-ventilated area and cover it with newspapers or a disposable tablecloth to catch any spills. Keep your molds and other tools within reach for a smooth workflow.

Melting the Wax

Using a double boiler, melt the candle wax, and monitor the temperature with a thermometer to prevent overheating, which can affect the quality of your candles.

Adding Fragrance and Color

Once the wax reaches the desired temperature, add the fragrance oil and candle dye according to the recommended measurements. Stir gently to distribute the fragrance and color evenly.

Pouring the First Layer

Carefully pour a small amount of the colored wax into the mold, ensuring it covers the base evenly. Let it cool and solidify before proceeding to the next layer.

Creating Subsequent Layers

Repeat the process of melting the wax, adding fragrance and color, and pouring each layer. Gradually build up your layered candle, ensuring that each layer adheres securely to the previous one.

Inserting Candle Wicks

While pouring the last layer, insert the pre-tabbed wick into the center of the candle, ensuring it reaches the bottom. Use a wick holder or pen to keep the wick centered and straight.

Trimming the Wicks

After the candle has completely cooled and solidified, trim the wick to a suitable length, typically around ¼ inch, to promote even burning.

Allowing the Candles to Cool

Let your candles cool and solidify completely for several hours or overnight, depending on the wax type used.

Unmolding the Candles

Gently remove the layered candles from the molds. If you encounter any resistance, place them in the refrigerator for a short while to ease the unmolding process.

Packaging Your Layered Candles with Bulk Candle Packaging

To ensure your layered candles are well-protected during storage and transport, consider using Bulk Candle Packaging. This packaging provides a secure and presentable way to store or distribute your creations, preventing damage and preserving their aesthetic appeal.


Creating layered candles is a delightful and artistic endeavor that allows you to craft stunning pieces of functional art. By following this step-by-step guide, you can make beautifully layered candles that will bring warmth and style to any setting. Remember to choose high-quality materials and employ Bulk Candle Packaging to ensure your candles remain safe and well-presented wherever they go. So, gather your supplies, unleash your creativity, and begin crafting your unique layered candles today!

