Time running out to fund proposed Liverpool Brian Epstein statue

Steve Marinucci
4 min readOct 14, 2019

Plans are in the works to honor Brian Epstein, who made stars out of many musical acts, most notably The Beatles, in his 32-year life, with a statue in his home town of Liverpool created by artist Andy Edwards, but a cutoff for crowdfunding is fast approaching. The campaign to get the statue built that began in September is trying to raise £60,000 (roughly $75,805 USD) through a crowdfunding site and is facing an Oct. 24 deadline. As of this writing, the funding has only raised £7,948 ($10,030 USD) or 13%.

Brian Epstein
Brian Epstein (Wikipedia)

“(The statue) was first shown during Beatles Week,” Jean Catharell, one of the members of the committee from Liverpool and a longtime Beatles fan, said in an interview. “It was on display then so lots of people have seen it already, but maybe they’ve gone away and forgotten about it. So that’s why we’re having this like big push all over the media,” she said. “We are running out of days now.” According to the announcement made in September, the specific location in Liverpool has not yet been determined.

She said the statue project will be severely hindered without the crowdfunding money. “If we don’t make the money, then the whole idea will be set aside and may be picked up at another time. But the money needed for the statue … includes everything that leads up to (its) production.”

