From Centralized Cities to a Network of Regenerative Settlements

The shift to a ‘zero marginal cost’ economy can shrink communities and solve systemic social & environmental problems.

Steven Liaros
Post Growth Perspectives
8 min readAug 26, 2019


Felix Mittermeier via Unsplash

We have become accustomed in recent years to talk about economic disruptions: of the taxi industry by Uber and of the hotel industry by Airbnb. Before that we had the disappearance of film processing stores and music record stores with the arrival of digital photography and music.

With digital technology, the marginal cost of producing music or photos is effectively zero. After the capital outlay, there are no ongoing costs apart from maintenance. Renewable energy and electric vehicles are also zero marginal cost technologies.

Imagining a ‘zero marginal cost’ economy

We’re now at the stage where we can start imagining what a zero marginal cost economy could look like. Imagine a global network of 3D printers creating any product or part that is needed, on demand. This would eliminate the need for mass production, warehousing, complex global distribution chains and retail outlets. Purchases would occur online, with the blueprints then securely transferred directly to the consumer’s nearest 3D printer. In fact, we’re beyond imagination; this…



Steven Liaros
Post Growth Perspectives

Polymath & futurist exploring how the human story shaped our present predicaments & what this can teach us about consciously creating a healthy future for all