Leading a Political Revolution Requires a Special Person at the Helm.

Steven D Grumbine
7 min readMay 7, 2016


That Person is Bernie Sanders.

By Steven D Grumbine,

Founder of Real Progressives on Facebook

When we consider what the Sanders Campaign has done and meant for America, it is hard not to feel a sense of pain followed by hope.

While we press forward with our cause of #BernieOrBust, the most poignant discovery has been that Bernie exposed the Democratic party for the Wall Street frauds they are. He exposed the system we fight against. He exposed the guts of inequity in the system and how very little the establishment cares about the will of the people.

Some said early on that nothing Bernie is offering up is remotely radical. Nothing he is fighting for is remotely fringe. He quite literally put the most pragmatic agenda ever witnessed in our political history. He focused on the people he focused on what ails us in our daily lives. Unlike Clinton, he was free to speak his mind. Free to champion the People's cause. He is an authentic purveyor of truth.

So who is in line with 40 years of experience dropping the straight dope on the world? Who is left that isn't living with skeletons? Who is convicted and willing to be the standard bearer without being surly, cynical and pessimistic? Who else is left to lead with courage and convictions that has so much personality and charisma? The Sanders charm and integrity is so unbelievably unique.

Who can carry that torch? Who dares to?

Elizabeth Warren?

She is nothing like Bernie. The more we learn the less noble she is and the less awe inspiring her legacy becomes. Her stances on populism and Wall Street get lost in her deafening silence as Bernie has fought the fight of all of our lives. That silence has left her with a steep hill to climb to regain her standing as a progressive leader. She had a remarkable opportunity to really blow this race wide open for Bernie Sanders and instead chose to say sweet things about all democratic candidates… Her rhetoric sounds remarkably like Sanders on some key issues that allow us to leave the light on… but make no mistake about it… she is a party loyalist. Not a progressive loyalist and it is impossible to be a revolutionary in a counter revolutionary party.

Tulsi Gabbard?

Possibly... She took on the DNC, gave up her seat and fought for Bernie. But she is young and doesn’t have 40 years of staying on message. She doesn’t have the long and storied track record of 40 years to call on to prove who she is and will be. She is an incredible player in the future of our movement, but she has some political dues to pay to build up that resume of tough decisions when everyone else is telling the company line. She is an absolute rock star full of charisma and a presence that can move mountains. She will be the future. She could well be the leader we need. We love her and believe she embodies everything we want in a leader. She has a long career ahead of her to write her story.

Nina Turner?

She is young and vibrant and we respect her passion but she lacks that long and storied career of fighting against neoliberalism and the powers of corruption that be. We exalt and applaud her decision to abandon Hillary and endorse Bernie and yet... She endorsed Hillary... People do learn and that is a great thing... But her story includes being a status quo champion of “just vote blue”. Is she a full on, ready to lead an all inclusive movement that may make her a pariah in the Democratic party?

Her voice. Her passion. Her ability to connect to disenfranchised communities of all walks makes her powerful and special and a star on the rise.

Alan Grayson?

He has a lot of skeletons in his closet. He is a brash progressive warrior. But he is also opportunistic and somewhat calculated. He is a true progressive voice policy wise... But he was willing to support Hillary... And that is frightening. Only our voices and online voting made him endorse Bernie, though to his credit, he opened it up to a vote. Tough to lead a movement like Bernie if your integrity is not as pristine as Sanders is. He is a tough sell in Florida... He is a tough sell nationally. We love him... But he is spotted and checkered with scandal and some pretty bad historical quotes that may limit his political ceiling to right about where he is presently. Make no mistake… he is a rock star.

John Fetterman?

A young up and comer with a big heart and a big body. He is a niche player and would be a great down ticket player with great ideas. But he is probably not the national movement leader for the cause. Could he grow into it? Certainly! He has a charisma and a passion second to none. But he is new to the scene for many Americans and would require a lot of exposure. He has pure progressive DNA.

Tim Canova?

He is challenging Debbie What’s-her-name Shultz and has a great opportunity to be a voice for many years to come regardless of whether he can defeat the big monied, DNC chair. He is bright, charismatic and has a law degree which gives him some pedigree to fall back on and some clout. But he hasn’t proven he is the leader to pick up the torch yet. We see a great future for him championing the cause. A great start to that would be to knock out the uber corrupt and radically conservative DWS. That would create a back story that could carry him to the heights of a movement.

Jill Stein?

We love her. She is not terribly charismatic but she has great command of the issues and has a doctor’s pedigree that allows her to carry from the high end to the regular citizen. She has put her actions where her rhetoric is by protesting and getting arrested for civil disobedience. She has the backing of the green party but there is a gap there and we cannot quite put our finger on it. Also, she is on the other side of the hill and her window for leading a movement is not eternal... She is shining brightly on the radar … But, while sharp on the issues and right on the issues, she lacks a certain something that gets people dedicated and completely ready to take on the world.... Unlike Bernie who oozes that special characteristic. She is rock solid and could be a revolutionary leader. She offered to step aside and give Bernie the Green nomination… she is a solid warrior.

Zephyr Teachout?

Possibly! But she has some work to do in her own backyard but the future is hers. She is the future. She just hasn’t enough track record to show the kind of leadership and courage under fire that Bernie has. She is not even in the same stratosphere yet. She isn’t quite ready for that yet. But taking on NY monied interests clearly makes her intriguing and a big part of any revolution.

Sherrod Brown? Not a chance. Shill.

Cory Booker? Establishment shill.

An unknown?

Certainly there are many (democratic)socialist actors we can look to as well and ultimately that coalition needs to be built by a charismatic unflappable leader with incredible integrity. Which makes you realize how truly special Bernie Sanders is to us all. To our movement. To our nation.

He has changed the narrative and set the groundwork for a True, non-violent revolution. A participatory government. One that represents the people.

And because of these factors... We must endeavor for the next month... To work our fingers to the bone calling, texting, blogging, posting to social media like Facebook, Reddit and Medium... Twitter... Grow our footprint grow his name. His positions. We must donate to his campaign. We must not leave any money on the table or effort in our bodies.

We must fight for this once in a lifetime candidate who wants to change the world

And with our help he just might do it!


