The Three Waves of AI That Will Revolutionize Marketing

3 min readApr 23, 2023



The history of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing is as fascinating as it is transformative. From its humble beginnings in the form of simple automation tools, AI has evolved exponentially, fundamentally reshaping the marketing landscape. With the advent of GPT-4 and other recent advances in generative AI, AI is on the cusp of revolutionizing marketing in ways that were once considered science fiction. This blog post will delve into the three distinct waves of AI-driven changes that are set to disrupt the industry and displace the traditional marketing stack.

First Wave: Generative AI and Personalized Marketing Content

Generative AI algorithms, such as GPT-4 and its successors, can generate human-like content across various formats, including text, images, and even music. Producing high-quality, engaging blog posts, personalized emails becomes significantly more efficient with the power of generative AI.

Second Wave: Autonomous AI Agents with Local Goals

Autonomous AI agents can manage specific channels like Twitter and AdWords accounts. In the realm of social media marketing, autonomous AI agents can analyze user engagement, trending topics, and the brand’s target audience to create and schedule relevant content. For instance, an AI agent could identify a trending hashtag related to a brand’s product and craft a timely tweet to capitalize on the trend, driving engagement and increasing brand visibility. Of course, social media is just an example; AI agents will also be able to manage AdWords campaigns, influencer marketing campaigns, and more.

Third Wave: AI Agents Optimizing Broad, Generalized Goals

In the third wave, AI agents will be capable of analyzing and optimizing multiple aspects of a campaign, from audience targeting to budget allocation and creative execution. For example, an AI agent could reallocate resources from an underperforming social media ad campaign to a high-performing email marketing campaign to maximize overall ROI.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

The rise of AI in marketing also presents new ethical challenges that marketers must address. As AI agents gain more autonomy and decision-making power, it becomes crucial to ensure that these systems adhere to ethical guidelines, prioritize data privacy, and avoid perpetuating harmful biases. Marketing professionals must collaborate with AI developers to establish responsible AI deployment frameworks and maintain transparency in their AI-driven marketing practices.


The three waves of AI in marketing are poised to disrupt the industry and displace the traditional marketing stack, ushering in a new era of innovation and efficiency. As AI swiftly transforms marketing practices, it is crucial for marketing professionals and businesses to adapt and embrace these changes. By staying informed about the latest AI-driven tools, upskilling in areas where human input remains essential, and ensuring ethical AI deployment, marketers can harness the full potential of AI to drive better results and create a more personalized, engaging experience for their customers.

The future of marketing lies in the hands of those who are willing to embrace AI-driven technologies and adapt their strategies to harness the power of AI. By doing so, they will not only remain competitive but also pave the way for new, innovative approaches that push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of marketing.

by Steven Ebin and GPT4

